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955 results found
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview Chest pain and heart attack Chest discomfort or pain may be a key warning symptom of a heart attack . Heart attack symptoms may include: Chest pain or pressure, …
Health topics
… Choose to receive CPR or be put on a ventilator if your heart or breathing stops. Being put on a ventilator is … support." Choose not to receive CPR or life support if your heart or breathing stops. This information is for you if you … you will want to have CPR and life support when your heart and breathing stop. If you are healthy now but want to …
Health topics
… breathing. Bumps (nodules) may also develop in lung tissue. Heart. Inflammation can develop in the sac around the heart ( pericarditis ) and in the heart muscle ( myocarditis ). Infection can occur in the …
Health topics
… Overview Vital signs include heart rate, respiration (breathing rate), blood pressure, … for infants ages 0 to 12 months include the following: Heart rate This is measured in beats per minute (bpm). 0 to … for children ages 1 to 11 years include the following: Heart rate This is measured in beats per minute (bpm). 1 to …
Health topics
… exercises. Other non-weight-bearing exercises. Avoiding heart and blood pressure problems Autonomic neuropathy affects the heart and blood vessels. It may limit your ability to exercise. It increases your risk of having a heart attack (often a silent heart attack ) during strenuous …
Health topics
… oxygen in red blood cells ( anemia ). Problems with the heart, such as coronary artery disease or heart failure . Metabolic disorders, such as diabetes . … problems No Sleep problems Have you noticed any irregular heartbeats or changes in your heart rate ? Yes Arrhythmia or …
Health topics
… Sometimes the cause of light-headedness is an abnormal heart rhythm ( arrhythmia ). This can cause fainting spells … spells need to be checked by a doctor. You can check your heart rate by taking your pulse . Many prescription and … injury No Head injury Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are …
Health topics
… may make you feel light-headed. You may have a rapid heartbeat and be short of breath. It also can lead to … hunger) or need to sit up to breathe. A pounding and racing heartbeat. Problems with balance, light-headedness , or … the right questions for you. Have you noticed irregular heartbeats or heart rate changes even when you are not …
Health topics
… For example: You may feel pain more easily. Your risk for heart disease is higher. Your immune system has a harder … sleep. The symptoms can wake you up, disturbing your sleep. Heart failure. Many people with heart failure have trouble sleeping. This may be because of …
Health topics
… manage your weight. Improving your fitness is good for your heart, lungs, bones, muscles, and joints. And it lowers your risk for falls, heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some … activity makes you breathe harder and have a much faster heartbeat than when you are resting. Here's an easy way to …