2104 results found
Health topics
… tool help you learn? This tool can help you assess your symptoms and find out if you might have depression . It calculates how many common symptoms of depression you have and—based on your … display, or distribute. What does your score mean? The more symptoms of depression you have, the higher your score will …
Health topics
… get an aura up to 30 minutes before they have a migraine. Symptoms of the aura include seeing wavy lines, flashing lights, or objects that look distorted. Other symptoms include tingling or a "pins-and-needles" feeling. … a few days before, during, or right after their period. The symptoms are the same as those of common or classic …
Health topics
… it is. Allergic rhinitis is: Intermittent if you have symptoms fewer than 4 days a week or fewer than 4 weeks a year. Persistent if you have symptoms 4 or more days a week and 4 or more weeks a year. Mild if your symptoms do not affect your sleep, daily activities, and …
Health topics
… Don't use HT. Try other treatment to manage your menopause symptoms. Key points to remember Hormone therapy lowers the … small benefits of HT. HT can help you deal with menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and sleep problems. See your … down unevenly. This causes changes in your period and other symptoms, such as hot flashes , headaches, and sleep …
Health topics
… is a common condition and usually describes a group of symptoms rather than one predominant symptom. These symptoms include: Belly pain or discomfort. Bloating. … (regurgitation). Burping. Most people will experience some symptoms of dyspepsia within their lifetimes. What causes …
Health topics
… options Have surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. Manage your symptoms for now without surgery. Key points to remember Pelvic organ prolapse usually causes only mild symptoms. Surgery is usually done only when the prolapse … another surgery later. You might be able to relieve some symptoms without surgery. You can do exercises at home that …
Health topics
… may have major depression if you have at least five of the symptoms listed below for 2 weeks or longer and one of the symptoms is either sadness or loss of interest. You may: … You have thoughts of death or suicide. If you have fewer symptoms, you may still be depressed and need treatment. No …
Health topics
… share some similar characteristics, but each has different symptoms and requires different treatment. So an accurate … and rheumatoid arthritis is the cause behind the joint symptoms. Osteoarthritis is caused by mechanical wear and … rapid, over weeks to months Slow, over years Joint symptoms Joints are painful, swollen, and stiff. Joints ache …
Health topics
… An asthma action plan is based on zones defined by your symptoms or your peak flow , or both. It tells you what to do if you have a sudden increase in your asthma symptoms ( asthma attack ). The yellow zone may mean that … attack or that your medicine needs to be increased. When symptoms are present, they may be mild to moderate, or they …
Health topics
… to 3 hours before you lie down. Avoid foods that make your symptoms worse. These may include chocolate, mint, alcohol, … them, such as tea, coffee, colas, or energy drinks. If your symptoms are worse after you eat a certain food, you may want to stop eating it to see if your symptoms get better. Do not smoke or chew tobacco. Smoking …