2104 results found
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… related rather than as causing one another. What are the symptoms? People who have periodic limb movement disorder … also can identify other conditions that may be causing symptoms, such as sleep apnea . How is periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) treated? Managing symptoms of periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) may …
Health topics
… first get sick, before they know they have it. What are the symptoms? The first symptoms of measles are a high fever, a runny nose, … very tired and have diarrhea and red, sore eyes. As these symptoms start to go away, you will get tiny white spots …
Health topics
… of von Willebrand protein in your blood. What are the symptoms? Bleeding a lot is the main symptom of von … be different for each person. When the disease is mild, symptoms include: Frequent nosebleeds. Some bleeding from … the same amount as other people do. You may not notice any symptoms until you bleed a lot after an injury, dental …
Health topics
… people get cluster headaches and others don't. What are the symptoms? The main symptom of cluster headaches is a severe … tell if you have cluster headaches by asking about your symptoms and examining you. Your doctor may order other … such as a CT scan or an MRI , if he or she thinks your symptoms are caused by another disease. But most people …
Health topics
… develop as a complication of heart surgery. What are the symptoms? The symptoms of pleurisy are chest pain and difficulty … causing your pleurisy, you may or may not have common viral symptoms, such as fever, headache, and muscle aches. The …
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… with the infected stool of a dog or cat. What are the symptoms? The symptoms of campylobacteriosis include diarrhea, cramping, … illness usually lasts 1 week. Some people don't have any symptoms at all. In people with impaired immune systems , …
Health topics
… stored. These cell changes can lead to cancer. What are the symptoms? Blood in the urine is the main symptom. Other symptoms include having to urinate often or feeling pain … instructions about calling when you have problems, new symptoms, or symptoms that get worse. Examinations and Tests …
Health topics
… disease, there are things you can do at home to manage your symptoms and live a full life. What are the symptoms? Symptoms are different for everyone. But common symptoms …
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… reactants." You get a score of 0 or 1. How long symptoms have lasted. The doctor notes whether symptoms have lasted less than 6 weeks, or 6 or more weeks. You may hear these criteria called "duration of symptoms." You get a score of 0 or 1. …
Health topics
… the mouth or face, such as cleft palate. What are the symptoms? Many babies with tongue-tie don't have symptoms. The tissue either stretches as the child grows, or … examination of your child's mouth and ask about his or her symptoms. In an older child or adult, the doctor may check …