3385 results found
Health topics
… a doctor trained to care for women who have special needs during pregnancy and birth. If necessary, an obstetrician may also be called during your labour and birth. Babies born at home A midwife … If you choose to have a midwife, she will be with you during your labour. If you have a home birth, a second …
Health topics
… how you can work more exercise into your life. Besides helping you stay away from cigarettes, exercise burns … positive, and keep temptation away: Don't quit smoking during holiday periods. You're more likely to eat more then. … how you can work more exercise into your life. Besides helping you stay away from cigarettes, exercise burns …
Health topics
… Write down any negative or unhelpful thoughts you had during the day. If you think you might not remember them at … Write down any negative or unhelpful thoughts you had during the day. If you think you might not remember them at …
Health topics
… do some in the morning and some at night. You can exercise during commercials while you watch TV. It's up to you. … do some in the morning and some at night. You can exercise during commercials while you watch TV. It's up to you. …
Health topics
… for the first time - here's an overview of what to expect during the second trimester of your pregnancy. Your second … Week 24 of Pregnancy: What's Going On Inside Prenatal care During your second trimester, you’ll see your healthcare provider more regularly. During this time, you may be asked to do tests that monitor …
Health topics
… Your Toddler English | Chinese | French Healthy Eating During Breastfeeding or Chestfeeding English | Chinese | … | Chinese | French Staying Calm English | Chinese | French Helping Your Toddler Through Change English | Chinese | …
Health topics
… a UTI is oral antibiotics and home care. Home care includes helping your child drink extra fluids when you notice … bladder all the way, or being constipated. These are common during toilet training. They make it easier for bacteria to … a UTI is oral antibiotics and home care. Home care includes helping your child drink extra fluids as soon as you notice …
Health topics
… make a man sterile, or not able to make a woman pregnant. During the procedure, a doctor cuts or blocks the tubes, … a woman's egg to make a baby when ejaculation occurs during sex. A vasectomy is a simple procedure. It can be … You may have mild aching now and then in your testicles during sexual arousal for a few months after the surgery. …
Health topics
… eats a balanced, nutritious diet may absorb less lead than someone with a poor diet. Chelation therapy. If removing the … eats a balanced, nutritious diet may absorb less lead than someone with a poor diet. Chelation therapy. If removing the …
Health topics
… may include: A urine stream that starts and stops during urination. An accidental release of a small amount of … . The uroflowmetry test measures the rate of urine flow during urination. During the test, a flow curve will be charted to determine …