702 results found
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… such as by a chiropractor. Acupuncture. Massage. Injections of steroid medicine in your back (especially for … used for low back pain. They include: Anesthetic or steroid injections. These injections don't seem to help most people with chronic back …
Health topics
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… melanoma include: Immunotherapy. This treatment helps your immune system fight cancer. The medicine may be spread on … melanoma include: Immunotherapy. This treatment helps your immune system fight cancer. The medicine may be spread on …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… Skin diseases . Blisters in the mouth can be caused by immune system diseases, such as lichen planus , pemphigus … Skin diseases . Blisters in the mouth can be caused by immune system diseases, such as lichen planus , pemphigus …
Health topics
… appears to change brain chemistry and may boost the immune system. Humour may allow a person to feel in control … appears to change brain chemistry and may boost the immune system. Humour may allow a person to feel in control …