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2028 results found
Health topics
… you sit, stand, and walk. Good posture means your ears, shoulders, and hips are in a straight line, with your spine … is too high, use a footrest to raise your knees. Keep your shoulders back and down, your chin back, your belly in, and … and drive with both hands on the steering wheel. Your arms should be in a slightly bent position. If your seat angles …
Health topics
… your "to do" list. Sort out the "must do's" and the "should do's". Deal with important jobs right away and delay …
Health topics
… else take care of your baby for a few days. Your child should stay with a trusted caregiver, such as a spouse, … else take care of your baby for a few days. Your child should stay with a trusted caregiver, such as a spouse, …
Health topics
… effects Serious side effects don't happen often, but you should be aware of them. Call your doctor right away if you … effects Serious side effects don't happen often, but you should be aware of them. Call your doctor right away if you …
Health topics
… too much. Acute Bronchitis Bronchitis: Should I Take Antibiotics? Coughs, Age 11 and Younger … too much. Acute Bronchitis Bronchitis: Should I Take Antibiotics? Coughs, Age 11 and Younger …
Health topics
… help anyone prevent ACL injuries. Training and conditioning should take place year-round. Strength and stretching … help anyone prevent ACL injuries. Training and conditioning should take place year-round. Strength and stretching …
Health topics
… treatment. Don't tell the person that he or she is lazy or should be able to get over it. Keep your relationship as … treatment. Don't tell the person that he or she is lazy or should be able to get over it. Keep your relationship as …
Health topics
… already active, ask your doctor if there is anything you should change to stay safe as your body and health change. … already active, ask your doctor if there is anything you should change to stay safe as your body and health change. …
Health topics
… know it's normal to feel afraid or even angry. Your child shouldn't feel embarrassed by these feelings. And your child should know that they can talk to you about them. Find out … know it's normal to feel afraid or even angry. Your child shouldn't feel embarrassed by these feelings. And your child …
Health topics
… may get worse during hot, humid days, so air conditioners should be used during the summer, if possible. Provide … may get worse during hot, humid days, so air conditioners should be used during the summer, if possible. Provide …