1333 results found
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… outside of the mouth. Infections. These can be caused by a virus (such as herpes simplex ) or by bacteria (such as … diabetes , Down syndrome , and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) . Many medicines also can cause mouth problems. Check … outside of the mouth. Infections. These can be caused by a virus (such as herpes simplex ) or by bacteria (such as …
Health topics
Health topics
… it's important to have regular checkups. Tests can include: Blood tests of your calcium and PTH levels to see if your condition is the same or getting worse. DXA tests. The DXA is an X-ray test that measures bone density. …
Health topics
… about the fainting episode. The doctor may want to do tests. These tests may include: Blood tests. Heart tests such as ECG, ambulatory monitoring (with …
Health topics
… places in your arteries will cause a heart attack. Other tests may give you and your doctor all the information you need to make treatment decisions. These other tests do not have the risks of an angiogram. If, during the … An angiogram isn't right for everyone. footnote 2 Other tests may give you and your doctor all the information you …
Health topics
… or has a family history of the disease. If one of you tests positive for being a carrier, the other partner should … or has a family history of the disease. If one of you tests positive for being a carrier, the other partner should …
Health topics
… treatment, you will have regular follow-up testing with HPV tests, Pap tests, or colposcopic examinations. Your doctor will tell you what follow-up tests you should have and when you need to have them done. …
Health topics
… (called a false-positive). This means you may need more tests—such as another mammogram, a breast ultrasound, or a biopsy—to make sure you don't have cancer. These tests can be harmful and cause a lot of worry. Mammograms … (called a false-positive ). This means you may need more tests—such as another mammogram, a breast ultrasound, or a …
Health topics
… to see if your symptoms return. Sometimes doctors order tests to confirm the diagnosis. These simple tests check to see if you are digesting lactose normally. … test is not done for people who have diabetes. These two tests usually aren't done for babies or very young children. …
Health topics
… your doctor will do a physical examination and medical tests. Your doctor will ask questions about you and your … in your family has similar symptoms. The kind of medical tests you get will depend on your symptoms and on which parts of your body are affected. Tests that may be done include a muscle biopsy and imaging …