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2023 results found
Health topics
… at risk for getting type 2 diabetes . It means that your blood sugar is higher than it should be, but not high enough to be … Healthy Eating: Starting a Plan for Change High Blood Pressure: Checking Your Blood Pressure at Home Interactive …
Health topics
… If there isn't any insulin, too much sugar stays in the blood. Over time, high blood sugar can harm many parts of the body. These … Medicine to treat other health problems, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, may be needed. This may help …
Health topics
… it hurt when you breathe? This can be a warning sign of a blood clot in the lung, called a pulmonary embolism . Yes … temperature? Yes Temperature taken No Temperature taken How high is the fever? The answer may depend on how you took the … you feel anything bulging into your vagina or feel pelvic pressure when you move? Yes Bulging into vagina or increased …
Health topics
… or ovary , a kidney stone , gallbladder disease , or blood vessel problems, such as an aortic aneurysm . The pain … temperature? Yes Temperature taken No Temperature taken How high is the fever? The answer may depend on how you took the … Symptoms of a heart attack may include: Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. …
Health topics
… make heart failure symptoms worse and can cause low blood pressure and a slow heart rate, so you will need to be seen … can affect important electrolytes or minerals in the blood. Most importantly, diuretics can lower the amount of …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Rehabilitation Bladder Care Bowel Care Pressure Injuries Lung Care Intimacy and Fertility Life With … to the spine and spinal cord. Steps are taken to get your blood pressure stable and help you breathe. You may get a … trigger autonomic dysreflexia, which causes sudden very high blood pressure and headaches. If not treated quickly …
Health topics
… when you cough or sneeze. Don't touch other children's blood , urine, stool, or other body fluids. Good safety … locked up. Lock up ammunition separately. Dealing with peer pressure Peer pressure is powerful. Your children likely … sex partner about his or her sexual history and about high-risk behaviours like drug use, anal sex, and sex in …
Health topics
… to remember Daily aspirin is an option for some people at high risk of a heart attack or stroke to help lower their … other health problems that increase your risk, such as high blood pressure. FAQs How might aspirin prevent a heart attack or …
Health topics
… in which you have too much sugar (glucose) in your blood. Glucose is a type of sugar produced in your body when … the body's cells to be used for energy. This results in high blood sugar. It happens when your body can't use … the risk for developing type 2 diabetes. High blood pressure. Untreated high blood pressure can increase the …
Health topics
… symptoms, if you have any. Your ejection fraction (how much blood your heart is pumping out to your body). The size of … But if you have other compounding factors, such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease, the regurgitation is …