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2023 results found
Health topics
… They can damage the eardrum (acoustic trauma). Atmospheric pressure change (barotrauma). It can cause problems with the … the eardrum can burst or the middle ear can fill with blood or pus. Or they can be mild and only be felt as … temperature? Yes Temperature taken No Temperature taken How high is the fever? The answer may depend on how you took the …
Health topics
… a hypertensive emergency? A hypertensive emergency is very high blood pressure that damages the body. It can cause damage to the …
Health topics
… a way of eating that helped her lose weight and brought her blood pressure way down. "If there were a commercial for the DASH … Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Hypertension is high blood pressure. "I didn't have any blood pressure
Health topics
… (PAD) is narrowing or blockage of arteries that causes poor blood flow to your arms and legs. PAD is most common in the … blood to your legs. This buildup leads to poor blood flow. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking all contribute to plaque buildup. What …
Health topics
… of one or both of the renal arteries. These vessels supply blood to your kidneys. They also help the body control blood pressure. What causes it? The most common cause of renal … doesn't cause symptoms. But if it gets worse, it may cause high blood pressure. Or it may affect how well your kidneys …
Health topics
… emergency. It happens when the heart is not getting enough blood. The coronary arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to the … Symptoms of acute coronary syndrome include: Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. … weight. Manage other health problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Also, if you …
Health topics
… on whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. A1c blood test. This test shows the average level of blood sugar … months Goal: A blood sugar level in your target range Blood pressure test. This test measures the pressure of blood flow … a least once a year or more often if your blood pressure is high Goal: A blood pressure level in your target range …
Health topics
… and other antiplatelet medicines. These are used to prevent blood clots. Statins and other medicines. These are used to lower high cholesterol. Beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors, or ARBs. These are used to lower blood pressure and reduce the workload on your heart. Don't stop …
Health topics
… your body. Cortisol is especially important in controlling blood pressure and metabolism . But it affects almost every area … upsets this system, your cortisol level can get too high. If it's high for too long, it can cause symptoms and …
Health topics
… the wound and protect you from exposure to another person's blood. Before you try to stop the bleeding : Wash your hands … Put on medical gloves, if available, before applying pressure to the wound. If gloves are not available, use many … or her head forward with the chin down. This will help any blood drain out of the mouth, not down the back of the …