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Health topics
… fluid, and restores the proper balance of chemicals in the blood. There are two basic types of dialysis: hemodialysis … uses a man-made membrane called a dialyse to clean your blood. You are connected to the dialyse by tubes attached to … of the treatments. It can cause problems such as low blood pressure and blood clots in the dialysis access. It …
Health topics
… cancer, your chances of getting those cancers may be higher. And if you have two or three relatives who have had these cancers, your chances may be even higher. If you have a family history of these cancers, it … Having a family history means that you have one or more blood relatives with breast or ovarian cancer. They could …
Health topics
… is a condition that runs in families. It causes very high levels of cholesterol . This condition can cause a … a disorder. For example, your doctor may check for: Very high cholesterol levels. For example, LDL cholesterol might … mmol/L or more for an adult. footnote 1 A family history of high cholesterol. A family history of early coronary artery …
Health topics
… add solid foods back into your diet. If you drink a lot of high-calorie liquid such as soda or fruit juice, you may not … or nausea. You may even vomit. If you drink a lot of high-calorie liquid such as soda or fruit juice, you may not … You could get an infection in the incision. You could get a blood clot in your legs ( deep vein thrombosis , or DVT) or …
Health topics
… and oxygen. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta is attached high up in the uterus, away from the cervix. In placenta … have warning signs such as: Painless vaginal bleeding. The blood is often bright red, and the bleeding can range from … and oxygen. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta is attached high up in the uterus, away from the cervix. In placenta …
Health topics
… Doing the same movement over and over or putting continued pressure on a joint can cause bursitis. What causes it? … cleaning, and typing at a keyboard. Long periods of pressure on an area. For example, carpet layers, roofers, or … to remove extra fluid from the bursa. You might wear a pressure bandage on the area. Your doctor may also give you …
Health topics
… for vaginal yeast overgrowth include taking antibiotics, high estrogen levels from pregnancy or hormone therapy, or … of vaginal yeast include: Taking antibiotics. Having a higher estrogen level. This may occur during pregnancy or … use during menopause. Having diabetes, especially if your blood sugar tends to be high. Having a disease that weakens …
Health topics
… other three lists. You may need to eat some of the foods (high-sugar foods) in the "foods I like" list in smaller amounts and less frequently to prevent high blood sugar. Recognize your feelings From the list …
Health topics
… will carefully watch your uterus. There's a chance that the pressure and movement might start contractions. There's also … or squeezing of the umbilical cord . This can reduce blood flow and oxygen to your baby. The start of labour. … risk of causing bleeding that could lead to mixing of the blood of the mother and the baby. So if you have Rh-negative …
Health topics
… Information Overview During a hospital stay, you may have a higher-than-normal risk of falling. You might get medicines … toilet more often. Be aware of medical equipment such as a blood pressure cuff, tubing, or wires. They could cause you to …