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Health topics
… is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of your face. Damage to the facial nerve that controls muscles … symptoms is not clear, you may need other tests, such as blood tests, an MRI , or a CT scan . How is Bell's palsy … symptoms is not clear, you may need other tests, such as blood tests, an MRI , or a CT scan . How is Bell's palsy …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk … disease. Some NSAIDs can also help ease cramping and reduce blood loss from heavy menstrual bleeding. What about side … disease or risk factors for heart disease. This risk may be higher if you use NSAIDs for a long time or use higher doses …
Health topics
… for the development of the cell. You inherit half of your genetic information from your mother and the other half … traits) a person inherits from his or her parents, such as blood type, hair colour, eye colour, and other … traits) a person inherits from his or her parents, such as blood type, hair colour, eye colour, and other …
Health topics
… (drops) on its own by the time the baby is 3 months old. If your baby's testicle hasn't dropped by the time he is 6 … and can't be felt in the groin, the doctor will do a blood hormone test to find out if the testicles are absent. … . Men who were born with undescended testicles have a higher rate of testicular cancer than other men. But this …
Health topics
… disorder. When you have this problem, it takes longer for your blood to form clots, so you bleed for a longer time than … other people. Normally when a person starts to bleed, small blood cells called platelets go to the site of the bleeding. …
Health topics
… People with this illness may have so much clutter in their homes that their living conditions are unhealthy. They may … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… called a C-section) before, you may be able to deliver your next baby vaginally. This is called vaginal birth after … to have a C-section, your risk of infection is slightly higher than if you just had a C-section. Health Tools Health … The risks of caesarean delivery include: Infections. Pain. Blood loss that requires a blood transfusion . Genital or …
Health topics
… Quick action could save a life. Always have a take-home naloxone kit on hand. Naloxone can reverse a fentanyl … or benzos (benzodiazepines). Combining them decreases your breathing rate. This can lead to overdose or death. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… in completely healthy skin. What are the symptoms? You or your child may have impetigo if you have sores: That begin … child has other signs of illness, your doctor may order blood or urine tests. How is impetigo treated? Impetigo is … most sores will be completely healed in 1 week. At home, gently wash the sores with clean water each day. If …
Health topics
… important to drink enough water? Water keeps every part of your body working properly. It helps your body flush wastes … dehydrated, your body no longer has enough fluid to get blood to your organs. This is dangerous. What is the right … just want to be extra careful, you can purify tap water at home. Water filters are available in many stores. Related …