2715 results found
Health topics
… Limit the time you spend outside when pollen counts are high (during midday and afternoon). Wear a pollen mask or dust … Limit the time you spend outside when pollen counts are high (during midday and afternoon). Wear a pollen mask or …
Health topics
… virus. The vaccine is extra important for people who are at high risk. This includes people who may be exposed to … because of their jobs. It also includes people who are at high risk for complications from COVID-19 if they catch it. Some examples of people at high risk include those who: Work in health care. Are …
Health topics
… Heavy calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc.) High-impact aerobic dancing Jumping rope Using a … for a few floors. Suggest holding meetings with co-workers during a walk inside or outside the building. Go the extra … Heavy calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc.) High-impact aerobic dancing Jumping rope Using a …
Health topics
… and attention. Diabetes can damage the nerve endings and blood vessels in your feet, making you less likely to notice … also limits your body's ability to fight infection and get blood to areas that need it. If you get a minor foot injury, … Never go outside barefoot. Have your doctor check your feet during each visit. Your doctor may notice a foot problem you …
Health topics
… the following: Your doctor may want you to have regular blood tests to check your medicine levels, liver function, and blood counts. Do not stop taking these medicines suddenly. … juice and alcohol. Some interactions can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, …
Health topics
… can also spread to the fetus of a person who has syphilis during pregnancy. What causes it? Syphilis is caused by a … and sexual history. You'll probably have one or more blood tests, especially if you don't have sores. If you do … your sexual history. Syphilis is most often diagnosed with blood tests. A lumbar puncture (spinal tap) may be done if …
Health topics
… is a large vein that forms in one or both testicles. The blood builds up, or pools. This makes the vein larger than … problem, your doctor ties off the end of the vein so the blood will not pool. In some men, a varicocele may be … The doctor may look through a microscope to see better during the surgery. The doctor makes small cuts in your …
Health topics
… by a region of your brain called the hypothalamus , your blood sugar (glucose) level, how empty your stomach and … though you are hungry, such as in a stressful situation or during an illness. Set point . This theory suggests that … fat in the abdomen while women store more in the hips and thighs. As women age, more fat is stored in the abdomen. Both …
Health topics
… and then the cornea is reshaped. The layer grows back during the healing process. LASEK and epi-LASIK loosen the … are rare. These include infection, sores on the cornea, and higher pressure inside the eye, which can lead to glaucoma . Laser …
Health topics
… sit up to breathe better. Symptoms of croup often improve during the day and get worse at night. Sometimes children … The child's temperature is usually normal or only slightly higher than normal. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will … or earlobe to make sure that enough oxygen is reaching the blood. How is croup treated? Even though your child's …