2715 results found
Health topics
… about your symptoms and past health. You may also have blood tests to see if your levels of certain enzymes are higher than normal. This can mean that you have … , including certain antibiotics, steroids, and blood pressure medicines. Injury. High triglycerides . Sometimes …
Health topics
… donate stem cells. If you wish to be a stem cell donor, a blood sample is taken from you and tested for tissue type. … people who need a transplant. If a match is found, another blood sample will be taken. This is to see if your tissue … These side effects usually go away 2 or 3 days later. During the donation Donations are done in a blood centre or …
Health topics
… those for pain, depression or anxiety , neuropathy, high blood pressure , and high cholesterol Being anemic. Anemia is a …
Health topics
… treat heart conditions, glaucoma , migraine headaches , and high blood pressure . Are taking ACE inhibitors, such as captopril or …
Health topics
… days. It has three phases: early, active and transition. During the early phase, you might have a backache and feel some pelvic pressure, as if your period is starting. Some women will also feel discomfort in their thighs, hips and abdomen. Contractions may resemble menstrual …
Health topics
… is anemia? Having anemia means you don't have enough red blood cells . Your body needs these cells to carry oxygen … main reasons why you might get anemia: You lose too much blood. Your body doesn't make enough red blood cells. You … of anemia, especially for women who have heavy bleeding during their periods. It can also happen with ulcers or …
Health topics
… It affects both ears. It starts with problems hearing high-pitched sounds. Over time, the ability to hear … the inner ear. Long-term medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes, or other problems with …
Health topics
… such as pneumonia and acute bronchitis , may include: Blood tests or cultures. Blood tests may help tell if you have antibodies to a … your nose or mouth into the tubes leading to your lungs. During the procedure, the doctor can obtain samples of …
Health topics
… may feel pain more easily. Your risk for heart disease is higher. Your immune system has a harder time fighting … have sleep problems. They also have a higher risk of high blood pressure. Restless legs syndrome. This is a problem that …
Health topics
… for your toes to wiggle. Athletic shoes are a good choice. High-top laced shoes may give foot and ankle support. Make … pointed-toe shoes if you can. High-heeled shoes increase pressure on the front of the foot. If you cannot avoid … the morning to the evening or after a day at work. Stand during the fitting process. Your foot is longer when you …