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Health topics
… When you have this problem, it takes longer for your blood to form clots, so you bleed for a longer time than … other people. Normally when a person starts to bleed, small blood cells called platelets go to the site of the bleeding. … Instead, it seems to be caused by certain diseases or medicines that decrease the amount of von Willebrand protein …
Health topics
… doctor will use the results of tests, including imaging and blood tests, to eliminate other diseases—such as multiple … is likely to recommend decompressive surgery to relieve the pressure. This surgery may be done from the front or the … doctor will use the results of tests, including imaging and blood tests, to eliminate other diseases—such as multiple …
Health topics
… the pain and help you function better. Opioids or other medicines that contain them include: Codeine (Tylenol 3). … more severe it may be. Your risk for opioid use disorder is higher if you have a history of substance use disorder. … an older adult, having a history of mental illness, and taking high doses of opioid medicine. Opioids are strong …
Health topics
… white bread to whole grain bread. Or drink water instead of high-sugar drinks. Add some healthy foods. Focus on adding healthy food to your diet, rather than just taking unhealthy foods away. For example, add vegetables to … white bread to whole grain bread. Or drink water instead of high-sugar drinks. Add some healthy foods. Focus on adding …
Health topics
… Dehydration. Malnutrition. Untreated health problems. Pressure ulcers. Poor personal hygiene. Unsafe or dirty … problems such as mental illness. The risk of abuse seems highest when these adult children live with the older … health authority. Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Domestic Abuse Domestic Violence …
Health topics
… This resets your heart rhythm. You may take rhythm-control medicines (antiarrhythmics) before and after cardioversion. … return to normal and stay there. You will likely take a blood-thinner medicine (anticoagulant) to prevent blood … causing it, and whether you have another heart problem. Taking antiarrhythmic medicines can help you stay in a …
Health topics
… on a pillow or a chair when you can. Exercise to improve blood flow in your legs. Lose weight if needed. (Being … office or clinic. External laser treatment. A laser is a highly focused beam of light. Heat from the laser damages … office or clinic. External laser treatment. A laser is a highly focused beam of light. Heat from the laser damages …
Health topics
… of a child getting cancer from the same CT scan can be much higher. footnote 1 A child who was treated with radiation … exposed to more radiation than other people if you: Live at high altitude. Have certain medical tests (such as X-rays or … test is about the same as 5 chest X-rays. Living at high altitude (such as Lake Louise) for a year is about the …
Health topics
… and attention. Diabetes can damage the nerve endings and blood vessels in your feet, making you less likely to notice … by watching what you eat, monitoring your blood sugar, taking medicines if prescribed, and getting regular exercise. Take …
Health topics
… many lymphoblasts. Lymphoblasts are a type of young white blood cell. They usually become mature infection-fighting … grow out of control in the bone marrow, crowding out normal blood-making cells. The leukemia cells can make their way … prevent relapse. Treatments may include: Chemotherapy. Medicines, such as corticosteroids. Radiation, including …