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Health topics
… huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Feel pressured to have sex. Talk about dating and sex early, … as trust and respect for each other. Find a career. Before high school ends, some teens will have a good start on … teen manage acne with daily facial care and, if needed, medicines. Also have your teen avoid sunbathing and tanning …
Health topics
… the long-term deadline does arrive, you won't have as much pressure and work built up. Avoid perfectionism. If you … the long-term deadline does arrive, you won't have as much pressure and work built up. Avoid perfectionism. If you …
Health topics
… A pacemaker helps keep your heart beating normally. By taking a few precautions, you can live the life you … away if you hear or feel an alarm. If you take heart rhythm medicines, take them as prescribed. The medicines work with … you have symptoms that could mean your device isn't working properly. These symptoms include the following: Your …
Health topics
… Limit your intake of fresh fruit and fruit juice. These are high in fructose. People who have IBS may not be able to … ways. If you have diarrhea, try limiting the amount of high-fibre foods you eat. This includes vegetables, fruits, whole grain breads and pasta, high-fibre cereal, and brown rice. To reduce constipation, …
Health topics
… procedures that could put bacteria or fungi into your blood. The antibiotics lower your risk of getting … all people with valve problems to take antibiotics: Taking antibiotics may not be needed. Taking antibiotics may … bacteria that are harder to kill with currently available medicines. Antibiotic resistance Antibiotic resistance …
Health topics
… or tender when touched. Muscle pain that happens with pressure on a trigger point. Referred pain . Pain that feels … Your doctor will press on different areas to see if the pressure causes pain. You may have tests to see if some … such as ibuprofen or aspirin. Or your doctor may recommend medicines you can put on your skin, such as lidocaine …
Health topics
… can make sure you're using the right muscles and breathing properly during the exercises. They can also show you more … can make sure you're using the right muscles and breathing properly during the exercises. They can also show you more …
Health topics
… if: You have regained motion with minimal pain. You are not taking opioids. 4 to 6 weeks Regain full range of motion 1 … are located near the outer edge of the meniscus have a good blood supply and heal better. Those near the centre don't … But they may include: Infection. Damage to nerves or blood vessels around the knee. Blood clots in the leg. Risks …
Health topics
… help you. For example, your doctor will check the amount of blood your heart pumps (ejection fraction).Your doctor also … with you about a few things. These include whether: You're taking medicine to treat heart failure and to prevent … is right for you. It's important to keep taking your medicines for heart failure. You'll also need to follow a …
Health topics
… 5 days after exposure to the bacteria. Your diarrhea may be bloody, and you may feel sick to your stomach and vomit. The … and vomiting is the most common complication. Do not use medicines, including antibiotics and other treatments, … after finishing your shopping so that you can store foods properly. Prepare foods safely. Wash your hands before and …