3850 results found
Health topics
… During a heart transplant, a mechanical pump circulates blood through the body while the surgeon removes the … rate will not increase like it used to. And you will have a higher resting heart rate. This is because some of the … you must follow a strict lifestyle involving daily medicines and regular medical care. This includes regular …
Health topics
… your skin from the cold and wind. These triggers cause the blood vessels in the face to relax and open wider (dilate), producing a sudden increase in blood flow and causing the face to flush. Triggers for … your skin from the cold and wind. These triggers cause the blood vessels in the face to relax and open wider (dilate), …
Health topics
… standard MRI may be used as a screening test if you have a high risk of breast cancer. This includes testing positive … standard MRI may be used as a screening test if you have a high risk of breast cancer. This includes testing positive …
Health topics
… the substance in the centre of your bones that produces red blood cells. A person with sickle cell disease has bone marrow that produces red blood cells with defective hemoglobin S. But if that bone … defence ( immune ) system isn't weakened enough by the medicines given before the transplant, it can attack the new …
Health topics
… may want to try another treatment. Key points to remember Taking gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH-a) puts … fibroid bleeding. Ongoing low back pain or a feeling of pressure in the lower belly. Trouble getting pregnant. … years and have tried ibuprofen and other non-prescription medicines, but they were not helping anymore. When I went to …
Health topics
… The initial evaluations on virtual colonoscopy were done by highly trained radiologists, so the results of your virtual … The initial evaluations on virtual colonoscopy were done by highly trained radiologists, so the results of your virtual …
Health topics
… such as a radio. You may listen to the TV or radio at a higher volume than in the past. How is it diagnosed? Your … other conditions that affect the middle or inner ear. Some medicines also can cause it. And some people are born with … you think may be caused by earwax. Have hearing loss after taking medicine. Have hearing loss after having cold or …
Health topics
… sudden, heavy vaginal bleeding that is causing heavy blood loss or a low number of red blood cells (anemia). Get a tissue sample for testing. For … sudden, heavy vaginal bleeding that is causing heavy blood loss or a low number of red blood cells (anemia). Get …
Health topics
… or has come back (recurred) after treatment or that has a high chance of spreading. How Well It Works For bladder … or has come back (recurred) after treatment or that has a high chance of spreading. How Well It Works For bladder …
Health topics
… more intense: During the middle of the day In the summer At high altitudes and near the equator Can cause skin cancer … sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Use it every day, even when it is cloudy. Apply … extra care to protect your skin when you're near water, at higher elevations, or in tropical climates. Use a …