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3850 results found
Health topics
… risks for cancer, lung diseases, heart attacks, strokes, blood vessel diseases, and blindness from macular … risks for cancer, lung diseases, heart attacks, strokes, blood vessel diseases, and blindness from macular …
Health topics
… Not feel hungry, not eat well, and lose weight. Notice tiny blood vessels on your skin that look like spider webs … Not feel hungry, not eat well, and lose weight. Notice tiny blood vessels on your skin that look like spider webs …
Health topics
… cause severe swelling and may damage underlying tissues, blood vessels, nerves, joints, or bones. The force may cause … cause severe swelling and may damage underlying tissues, blood vessels, nerves, joints, or bones. The force may cause …
Health topics
… the jaw, you have difficulty sensing pain, or you have poor blood circulation. Apply ice to your jaw if there is … or Advil) to reduce jaw swelling and pain. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. If … the jaw, you have difficulty sensing pain, or you have poor blood circulation. Apply ice to your jaw if there is …
Health topics
… sickness . Venom from insect stings or spider bites and medicines such as penicillin are common causes of serum … caused by a parasite that infects human liver cells and red blood cells. Malaria is an infectious disease carried by … caused by a parasite that infects human liver cells and red blood cells. Malaria is an infectious disease carried by …
Health topics
… in your body. Having too little oxygen in your blood, which could happen if you have COPD or pneumonia. Using some medicines. Using caffeine or alcohol. Smoking. Related … in your body. Having too little oxygen in your blood, which could happen if you have COPD or pneumonia. …
Health topics
… to an increase in estrogen levels, or congestion of blood vessels in the cervical canal. What are the symptoms? … to an increase in estrogen levels, or congestion of blood vessels in the cervical canal. What are the symptoms? …
Health topics
… who have severe ulcerative colitis may have: More than six bloody stools a day (loose stools). Fever, rapid heartbeat, … An expanded colon (as seen on an X-ray). A need for blood transfusions. Flare-ups can be so severe that they … who have severe ulcerative colitis may have: More than six bloody stools a day (loose stools). Fever, rapid heartbeat, …
Health topics
… Later you may have some pain. You can treat it with pain medicines, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or a stronger … prescribes antibiotics, take them as directed. Do not stop taking them just because you feel better. You'll need to … an infected tooth, bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. …
Health topics
… eating problems. Sit upright when eating, drinking, and taking pills. Take small bites of food. Chew each bite … can help strengthen your lip muscles. Ask your doctor about medicines that can help. Parkinson's … eating problems. Sit upright when eating, drinking, and taking pills. Take small bites of food. Chew each bite …