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Health topics
… of poisonings occur in the home. Young children have the highest risk of poisoning. That's because they're naturally … been swallowed. Many poisonings occur when an adult who is using a poisonous product around children gets distracted by … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …
Health topics
… being asked to do, and they agree clearly, without being pressured. How can you teach your young child about consent? … being asked to do, and they agree clearly, without being pressured. How can you teach your young child about consent? …
Health topics
… their legs to their stomach. Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or blood or mucus in the stool is not a symptom of colic. If … doctor may do lab tests or X-rays to find out what is causing them. What can you do about colic? It may help to see … risk of illness. If you are breastfeeding, be aware of your diet. The foods you eat may affect your breast milk and …
Health topics
… or make other symptoms worse. For example, this might mean using a tall stool for tasks that you would normally do … lumbar spinal stenosis. This surgery is done to relieve pressure on the spinal nerve roots. It removes bone (parts … . A deep infection in the surgical wound. A skin infection. Blood clots. Nerve injury, including weakness, numbness, or …
Health topics
… of your heart (the ventricles) aren't able to pump as much blood as your body needs. Sometimes, the ventricles also … pump at the same time. This can help the heart pump blood better. The pacemaker connects to three thin wires, … doctor that I want to keep taking my medicine and follow my diet to see if that helps. If my heart failure gets worse, …
Health topics
… Sprained Ankle: Rehabilitation Exercises Sprained Ankle: Using a Compression Wrap Symptoms With most ankle sprains, … on the label. It may help to wear hiking boots or other high-top, lace-up shoes for support. But be careful. Don't … on how bad it is. An ankle brace, air stirrup, hiking boot, high-top shoe or boot, or another form of ankle support …
Health topics
… twist your arm over and over. This can stress the tendon, causing tiny tears that lead to pain over time. A direct blow … of the injury. You have signs of damage to the nerves or blood vessels. These include: Numbness, tingling, or a … around your forearm just below your elbow. It may spread pressure throughout the arm instead of putting it all on the …
Health topics
… changes. These tests include: HPV test. This test looks for high-risk types of HPV (human papillomavirus). Knowing if you have a high-risk type of HPV can help guide your treatment … removes a cone-shaped wedge of abnormal cells that are high in the cervical canal. Loop electrosurgical excision …
Health topics
… infected person get the hepatitis B vaccine. Do not donate blood or blood products, organs, sperm, or eggs (ova). Stop all … infected. Do not share personal items that may have your blood on them. These include razors, toothbrushes, towels, …
Health topics
… an ACL injury treated? Treatment for an ACL injury includes using first aid right away. For example, put ice on the … your leg or knee during a contact sport like football or in high-speed sports like skiing. Injuries like those from a … to be deformed. You have signs of damage to the nerves or blood vessels. Signs include numbness, tingling, a …