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3924 results found
Health topics
… it diagnosed? While you are pregnant, an ultrasound and a blood test can show if your baby may be at risk for Down … and health problems that people with Down syndrome have a higher chance of getting. Doctors look for specific problems … include speech therapy, nutrition advice from a registered dietitian, or counselling for behaviour problems. …
Health topics
… activities during this time. These might put extra pressure on your bladder. How much pain you have after … activities during this time. These might put extra pressure on your bladder. How much pain you have after …
Health topics
… people with lupus produce an antibody that attacks certain blood-clotting factors, which can cause the blood to clot easily. footnote 1 A person who has this antibody and has had blood clots is said to have antiphospholipid antibody …
Health topics
… amount of swelling can: Increase the risk of skin sores (pressure injuries). Increase your chance of having the joint … water. Test the temperature of bath water or dishwater using your unaffected side. Use pot holders whenever you … amount of swelling can: Increase the risk of skin sores (pressure injuries). Increase your chance of having the joint …
Health topics
… or weight lifting, can overuse back bones to the point of causing stress fractures in vertebrae, which can result in the … root or spinal cord damage from the condition. This takes pressure off the spinal cord or nerves (decompression). Or … root or spinal cord damage from the condition. This takes pressure off the spinal cord or nerves (decompression). Or …
Health topics
… fish liver oil supplements (like cod liver oil), which are high in vitamin A ✘ soy supplements ✘ herbal supplements … …
Health topics
… are spread when an uninfected person comes in contact with blood, semen, or vaginal fluid (such as menstrual blood) that's infected with one of these viruses. Hepatitis … D only occurs along with hepatitis B. How is it diagnosed? Blood tests are used to diagnose viral hepatitis. In their …
Health topics
… and sometimes the forearm. These symptoms are caused by pressure on a nerve ( median nerve ) in the wrist ( carpal … surgery fix carpal tunnel syndrome? Surgery reduces the pressure on the median nerve in the wrist. The doctor cuts a … symptoms and better hand function than people who continue using wrist splints or a combination of medicine and hand …
Health topics
… a person needs to receive medicine, fluids, nutrients, or blood products for several weeks or more. It's often placed … response to the medicine is wanted. Give large amounts of blood or fluid quickly. Receive kidney dialysis if you have kidney failure. A CVAD may be used to draw blood for tests only if another vein, such as in the hand or …
Health topics
… leg veins are weakened and cannot efficiently move the blood back toward the heart. Pooled blood and fluid in the lower legs then leads to tissue … You can prevent or heal a venous skin ulcer by helping your blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate your legs …