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Health topics
… from the other arm or leg? This may mean that a major blood vessel was damaged and that blood is not reaching the … symptoms and prevent infection. Stop bleeding with direct pressure to the wound. Inspect the wound. Look at the wound … Snake Antivenom Snakebite: Symptoms of a Pit Viper Bite Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment …
Health topics
… type of reaction can occur from one bite or sting from a highly toxic insect or spider, or from multiple bites or … type of reaction can occur from one bite or sting from a highly toxic insect or spider, or from multiple bites or …
Health topics
… may be a sign of croup . Your child may sound hoarse with a high-pitched sound (stridor) when breathing in. Home … that appears to be from the lungs (sputum) or brings up bloody sputum. Persists after a choking episode. Vomiting … may be a sign of croup . Your child may sound hoarse with a high-pitched sound (stridor) when breathing in. Home …
Health topics
… load is a measurement of how much HIV is present in your blood. A sample of blood is drawn and sent to a lab for testing. Results are … as the number of copies of the virus per millilitre of blood. Each virus is called a "copy" because HIV reproduces …
Health topics
… is best for you. The mitral valve opens and closes to keep blood flowing in the proper direction through your heart. … while older people with other health problems have a higher risk. In general, the risks include: Effects from the … first surgery. Death from the surgery. This risk can be higher or lower depending on many things such as age, heart …
Health topics
… in urine, such as increased protein or clumps of red blood cells or kidney cells, called cell casts Nervous … or psychosis , without known cause Problems with the blood, such as reduced numbers of red blood cells ( anemia ), platelets, or white blood cells …
Health topics
… . Low testosterone also can be present at birth. A blood test is usually done to find out if you have low … ask about your symptoms and past health. You will have a blood test. If it shows a low testosterone level, you will have another blood test to confirm the result. If the second test …
Health topics
… not throb or pulse. Your child will probably feel pain or pressure on both sides of the head. Tightness around the … of the neck, face, jaw, head, or scalp played a role in causing these headaches. Now they think a change in brain … not throb or pulse. Your child will probably feel pain or pressure on both sides of the head. Tightness around the …
Health topics
… steadily decrease in the days after the extraction. A blood clot will form in the tooth socket after the … The clot protects the bone during healing. If that blood clot gets loose or comes out of the socket, you may … the extraction. Tobacco use can delay healing. Learn more Using Cold and Heat Therapies Why It Is Done A tooth must be …
Health topics
… cure hepatitis C. How is it diagnosed during pregnancy? A blood test for hepatitis C is usually done during pregnancy. … (which means you have been exposed), then an HCV RNA blood test is done. This test shows if you're now infected … Hepatitis C is spread by contact with an infected person's blood. In Canada, most people get it by sharing needles and …