3924 results found
Health topics
… It is available in many forms. They include chamomile tea, dietary supplements, and products put on the skin or used in … interfere with medicines like cyclosporin or warfarin (a blood thinner). The Natural and Non-Prescription Health … can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if you are thinking about …
Health topics
… that are benign (not cancer) also release tumour markers. Blood tests are the most common way to test for them. But … that are benign (not cancer) also release tumour markers. Blood tests are the most common way to test for them. But …
Health topics
… out of the tube, which creates a vacuum. The vacuum helps blood flow into the penis, producing an erection-like state … out of the tube, which creates a vacuum. The vacuum helps blood flow into the penis, producing an erection-like state …
Health topics
… large veins in the leg. It can be done in an office setting using local anesthesia or a mild sedative . You will be able … These symptoms typically go away over time. Small or large blood clotting in the vein or a deep vein. Related … These symptoms typically go away over time. Small or large blood clotting in the vein or a deep vein. Related …
Health topics
… abdomen and takes on a grapefruit shape and size. A gush of blood often comes out with or before the placenta is …
Health topics
… bleeding. Accidental injury to internal organs or major blood vessels. This can be from the laparoscope or surgical … bleeding. Accidental injury to internal organs or major blood vessels. This can be from the laparoscope or surgical …
Health topics
… spine. The doctor attaches metal rods to the spine without fusing the bones together. This is only done in younger … fusion. Problems that can happen in any surgery, such as blood clots or infection or problems from anesthesia. The risk of these problems is higher in older adults than in younger people. Talk to your …
Health topics
… may make the lungs work better so more oxygen gets into the blood. If there are many bullae spread throughout the lungs, … and the person's overall condition. Bullae can be removed using a laser . But this method has not been found to have … may make the lungs work better so more oxygen gets into the blood. If there are many bullae spread throughout the lungs, …
Health topics
… you cannot move, or it can be mild. You may also pass large blood clots or grey or pink tissue. Belly pain during later … you cannot move, or it can be mild. You may also pass large blood clots or grey or pink tissue. Belly pain during later …
Health topics
… and passes out of the vagina. The mucus may be tinged with blood. Passing the mucus plug is called "show" or " bloody show ." You may notice when the mucus plug passes. … and passes out of the vagina. The mucus may be tinged with blood. Passing the mucus plug is called "show" or " bloody …