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3924 results found
Health topics
… may stay moist and pink and ooze fluid or small amounts of blood. Over time, the area will turn pink and shiny as the … may stay moist and pink and ooze fluid or small amounts of blood. Over time, the area will turn pink and shiny as the …
Health topics
… Physical changes can include damage to or loss of nerves, blood vessels, or organs from the growth of the cancer or … Physical changes can include damage to or loss of nerves, blood vessels, or organs from the growth of the cancer or …
Health topics
… falls off. A small amount of fluid sometimes tinged with blood may ooze out of the navel area. It is normal for this … falls off. A small amount of fluid sometimes tinged with blood may ooze out of the navel area. It is normal for this …
Health topics
… small insects that live on humans and survive by feeding on blood. Yeast infection (cutaneous candidiasis), which may … becomes blocked, fluids may build up inside the gland, causing a painless lump called a Bartholin cyst. Bartholin … small insects that live on humans and survive by feeding on blood. Yeast infection (cutaneous candidiasis), which may …
Health topics
… Reduced fitness. Bone loss. Poor circulation that leads to blood clots. Low self-esteem. Relying more on others for … Reduced fitness. Bone loss. Poor circulation that leads to blood clots. Low self-esteem. Relying more on others for …
Health topics
… to have a C-section, your risk of infection is slightly higher than if you just had a C-section. Health Tools Health … The risks of caesarean delivery include: Infections. Pain. Blood loss that requires a blood transfusion . Genital or … expect during labour and delivery. How to manage the birth using controlled breathing and emotional and physical …
Health topics
… about taking nitroglycerin before you have sex. If you are using nitroglycerin, do not use erection-enhancing medicine … Erections will be less firm. But if you have good blood flow to your penis, you should be able to have … genital contact, or contact with semen, vaginal fluids, or blood. Older people may think of STIs as a problem that …
Health topics
… and sexual history. You'll probably have one or more blood tests, especially if you don't have sores. If you do … without symptoms. Syphilis can move to the late stage, causing problems. Antibiotics can't undo damage, but they can … your sexual history. Syphilis is most often diagnosed with blood tests. A lumbar puncture (spinal tap) may be done if …
Health topics
… You chew nicotine gum as a way to help yourself quit using tobacco. The gum has nicotine and feels and looks like … from the gum makes its way into your system through the blood vessels that line your mouth. If you chew the gum … Also, it may take longer for the nicotine to get into your bloodstream. Gradually cut back on how much gum you use. As …
Health topics
… with the pump easy to use? Do you want to program your pump using your home computer? Or do you want to create your own … you can set to wake you up or remind you to test your blood sugar? Is there a lock-out feature so that your child … you can set to wake you up or remind you to test your blood sugar? Is there a lock-out feature so that your child …