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Health topics
… ability to have an erection. Some tumours can be removed using a nerve-sparing technique. This means carefully … risks. These include bleeding, infection, heart problems, blood clots, and a reaction to anesthesia. … risks. These include bleeding, infection, heart problems, blood clots, and a reaction to anesthesia. …
Health topics
… and wound separation. Major problems include heavy blood loss, general anesthesia problems, organ injury during … and wound separation. Major problems include heavy blood loss, general anesthesia problems, organ injury during …
Health topics
… bleeding, or bruising may happen soon after the procedure. Blood clots may form in your arms, which cause a lot of … bleeding, or bruising may happen soon after the procedure. Blood clots may form in your arms, which cause a lot of …
Health topics
… reaction. Allergy tests, such as skin prick tests or blood tests, can help you find out which types of insect … reaction, give yourself an epinephrine shot in your thigh muscle. Also take an oral antihistamine. Then call … reaction, give yourself an epinephrine shot in your thigh muscle. Also take an oral antihistamine. Then call …
Health topics
… treatments are finished. In rare cases, heart damage and a higher risk of other types of cancers, such as leukemia . … cancer you have and how far it has spread, there may be a higher chance of your cancer coming back. Personal stories … my doctor did some tests. It turned out that I was at a higher risk for having the cancer come back. So, I had …
Health topics
… early breast fullness is from the milk you make and extra blood and fluids in your breasts. Your body uses the extra … Take ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin) in addition to using non-medicine treatments. Be safe with ibuprofen. Read … early breast fullness is from the milk you make and extra blood and fluids in your breasts. Your body uses the extra …
Health topics
… a person infected with Zika virus who then donates cells, blood, tissue, sperm (semen) or organs. Travellers who have … you are pregnant or breastfeeding and are concerned about using DEET, talk with your doctor. Spray clothing with DEET. … a person infected with Zika virus who then donates cells, blood, tissue, sperm (semen) or organs. Travellers who have …
Health topics
… or any skin changes, you may need more tests. Your urine, blood, or other fluids may be checked for infection. Or you … water compress or a cool bath. Don't scratch the area. Try using a vaginal lubricant, such as Astroglide or K-Y Jelly, … or any skin changes, you may need more tests. Your urine, blood, or other fluids may be checked for infection. Or you …
Health topics
… doctor may do tests to check for a disease that could be causing your hair loss. Tests include: Hair analysis. Your … under a microscope. A scalp sample is also sometimes taken. Blood tests. This includes testing for a specific condition, … under a microscope. A scalp sample is also sometimes taken. Blood tests. This includes testing for a specific condition, …
Health topics
… list. Tests to monitor your medicine. You may have regular blood tests to monitor how the medicine is working in your … list. Tests to monitor your medicine. You may have regular blood tests to monitor how the medicine is working in your …