3924 results found
Health topics
… prevent a seizure from happening again and to control your blood pressure. The doctor will wait until your health is stable … prevent a seizure from happening again and to control your blood pressure. The doctor will wait until your health is …
Health topics
… buprenorphine, and hydromorphone. The drugs in the mother's blood pass through the placenta and enter the baby's bloodstream. They affect the baby in much the same way as … your baby's vital signs. These include temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse rate. The NICU staff …
Health topics
… the iris, the posterior chamber. This opening may decrease pressure in the eye and usually prevents sudden buildup of pressure within the eye, which occurs during an episode of … your procedure. The doctor will need to make sure your eye pressure isn't going up. You will also need to see the …
Health topics
… by others. How do isolation rooms work? Negative air pressure Sometimes isolation rooms use negative air pressure. This helps prevent airborne diseases (such as … filters the air before moving it outside. In a negative air pressure room, you may be able to feel air being sucked into …
Health topics
… and cause pain. Too much swelling inside the cast can cause pressure that can harm you. To help reduce swelling: Prop up … wiggle them every now and then. This helps move the blood and fluids in the injured limb. Take non-steroidal … may include: Pain in the arm, calf, back of the knee, thigh, or groin. Redness and swelling in the arm, leg, or …
Health topics
… short walks at least every 2 hours. This helps increase the blood circulation in your legs and reduce bladder pressure. Consider wearing compression stockings. Carry a … Take a few walks while on a long flight. This will increase blood circulation in your legs. Avoid air travel if: You've …
Health topics
… history, physical examination, and lab tests that show high levels of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA) in the blood. Your doctor may also conduct an imaging test such as … shingles, and pneumonia. Because people with PBC have a high risk of getting osteoporosis , you should have periodic …
Health topics
… your arms or hands. You may get X-rays. Your doctor may do blood tests to check for infection or illness. How is neck … Don't sleep on your stomach with your neck twisted. Try using pillows that keep your neck straight. Cause Neck pain … able to move or turn your head and neck easily. If there is pressure on a spinal nerve root , you might have pain that …
Health topics
… C virus. It is spread by contact with an infected person's blood. The most common way to get hepatitis C is by sharing … infected person's blood. In Canada, the activity with the highest chance of passing hepatitis C include sharing equipment for using street drugs. Less often, it's spread by: Getting a …
Health topics
… pain (vulvodynia). Pudendal neuralgia. This can happen from pressure on the pudendal nerve in the genital area, … problems started after you began taking a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …