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Health topics
… to remember Daily aspirin is an option for some people at high risk of a heart attack or stroke to help lower their … and stroke and your risk of bleeding. If you don't have a high risk of heart attack or stroke, the benefits of aspirin … gender, and race or ethnic group. Your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers. If you have diabetes. If you're being …
Health topics
… can be caused by many things. Examples include long-term high blood pressure and taking blood thinner medicine, such … Health problems like atrial fibrillation, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), …
Health topics
… any insulin, too much sugar stays in the blood. Over time, high blood sugar can harm many parts of the body. These … usual, and having blurry vision. Symptoms are caused by high blood sugar. They usually develop quickly, over a few … High blood pressure can damage nerves and blood vessels. Cholesterol test. High cholesterol raises the risk for heart …
Health topics
… is a condition that runs in families. It causes very high levels of cholesterol . This condition can cause a person to get … a disorder. For example, your doctor may check for: Very high cholesterol levels. For example, LDL cholesterol might …
Health topics
… used as a source of energy by your body. Lipids include cholesterol , triglycerides , high-density lipoprotein (HDL) , and low-density lipoprotein … keep your body working normally. Lipid disorders , such as high cholesterol, may lead to life-threatening illnesses, …
Health topics
… tests, including tests to see whether cardiac enzymes are high. Having these enzymes in the blood is usually a sign … heart attack, the chance that you will have another one is higher. Taking part in a cardiac rehab program helps lower … can suggest a safe level of exercise for you. Control your cholesterol and blood pressure. Manage your diabetes. Lower …
Health topics
… That's a scary thought for anyone who is concerned about high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Plaque buildup can have long-term effects on …
Health topics
… too much fat around the waist , elevated blood pressure, high triglycerides , elevated blood sugar, and low HDL cholesterol . Together, this group of health problems … First Nations, Asian, and Pacific Islander descent are at higher risk than whites for type 2 diabetes. How is it …
Health topics
… getting type 2 diabetes . It means that your blood sugar is higher than it should be, but not high enough to be diabetes. Prediabetes is also called … High blood pressure. Your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is low and/or your triglyceride level is high. A …
Health topics
… called "hardening of the arteries." It occurs when fat (cholesterol) and calcium build up inside the lining of the … of an artery is damaged. It might be damaged by things like high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, or smoking. Cholesterol in the blood …