1582 results found
Health topics
… social, self-confident, and powerful. But after the "high" from the drug wears off, you may feel the opposite … medicines such as cough syrups and cold pills—to get high. What effects these drugs may have on your health … grains, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and protein foods are part of a healthy diet. Find things to do instead …
Health topics
… more often, including snacks throughout the day. Ask what foods the person you're caring for likes best. Offer those foods when you can. Preparing for a meal Before the meal, … or puree the food to make it easier to eat. Prepare "finger foods" that can be easily picked up and chewed. Helping …
Health topics
… causes of hyperthyroidism include tumours or eating foods or taking medicines that contain large amounts of … and: You feel very irritable. You have unusually high or low blood pressure compared to your normal blood … of thyroid hormones, called T3 and T4. If your levels are high, you have hyperthyroidism. When you are being treated …
Health topics
… of the esophagus. In some people, very hot or very cold foods may trigger an episode. What are the symptoms? Most … a series of questions. These include questions about what foods or liquids trigger symptoms, where it feels like food … treatment for esophageal spasm may include: Changing the foods you eat. Your doctor may tell you to eat certain foods …
Health topics
… your child from choking by offering the right kinds of foods and watching for choking hazards. Food To prevent … when you select and prepare food. Do not give round, firm foods to children younger than age 4 unless the food is chopped completely. Foods that can be choking hazards include: Seeds (for …
Health topics
… Noroviruses typically spread through contaminated water and foods, although they can also pass from person to person. … isn't working properly. You may become infected by: Eating foods or drinking liquids that are contaminated with norovirus. Shellfish and salad ingredients are the foods most often infected with the viruses. Food other than …
Health topics
… and may help relieve your jaw pain. Avoid hard or chewy foods (such as popcorn, jerky, tough meats, chewy breads, … that cause your jaws to work overtime. Choose softer foods that are easy to chew, such as eggs, casseroles, … and may help relieve your jaw pain. Avoid hard or chewy foods (such as popcorn, jerky, tough meats, chewy breads, …
Health topics
… and eat meals. But eating regularly and eating healthy foods is important. That's because food: Provides your body … making changes in what you eat. Make eating easier. Choose foods that are easy to prepare. Eat in a relaxed setting. … bloating that makes it hard to breathe, limit the amount of foods you eat that cause gas. These foods include onions, …
Health topics
… botulism can be caused by eating contaminated home-canned foods that have a low acid content, such as asparagus, green … examination and ask you questions about your symptoms and foods you have recently eaten. The best way to be sure of … it? Food-borne botulism often comes from home-canned foods. You can prevent botulism by following strict …
Health topics
… And don't drink more than one alcoholic drink a day. Eat foods high in fibre to help avoid constipation. Don't smoke. If … smoking. Avoiding constipation by eating a healthy, high-fibre diet. Doing Kegel exercises to strengthen the …