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Health topics
… and: You feel very irritable. You have unusually high or low blood pressure compared to your normal blood … of thyroid hormones, called T3 and T4. If your levels are high, you have hyperthyroidism. When you are being treated … rarely use this surgery to treat hyperthyroidism. It's riskier than other treatments. You may need surgery if: Your …
Health topics
… you can achieve interdependence, you must first have a high degree of independence. The relationship skills you … marriage. A satisfying marriage at this stage includes a high amount of considerate or kind acts (such as doing … related to mid-life may begin to occur and can include: High blood pressure (hypertension) . Weight problems. …
Health topics
… than a PICC line or a tunnelled catheter. What are the risks? Possible risks from the use of a CVAD include: Bleeding, caused by … it lies under your skin. Collapsed lung (pneumothorax). The risk of a collapsed lung varies with the skill of the person …
Health topics
… to weigh the benefits of stopping treatment against the risk that your seizures may return. You have a lower risk of having a seizure after you stop medicine if: You … to weigh the benefits of stopping treatment against the risk that your seizures may return. You have a lower risk of …
Health topics
… In that case, you can stay awake without feeling pain. Risks Problems after a nerve block are not common. There is a small risk of nerve damage, infection, or bleeding. In rare cases, … In that case, you can stay awake without feeling pain. Risks Problems after a nerve block are not common. There is …
Health topics
… Hydrotherapy On this page: Treatment Overview Risks Treatment Overview Hydrotherapy is … baths, whirlpools, saunas, showers, and colonic irrigation. Risks Most hydrotherapy is generally safe if treatment is … baths, whirlpools, saunas, showers, and colonic irrigation. Risks Most hydrotherapy is generally safe if treatment is …
Health topics
… On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview Tea tree oil ( … tree oil is helpful with these or other health problems. Risks Tea tree oil applied to the skin is thought to be safe … tree oil is helpful with these or other health problems. Risks Tea tree oil applied to the skin is thought to be safe …
Health topics
… ganglions may be painful and may break open, increasing the risk of infection. The fingernail may grow irregularly or be … is near the growth cells for the fingernail. Because of the risk of infection, a mucous cyst ganglion should not be … ganglions may be painful and may break open, increasing the risk of infection. The fingernail may grow irregularly or be …
Health topics
… side effects from immunizations are rare. In fact, the risks of disease are much higher than the risk of a serious reaction from the immunization. Sometimes …
Health topics
… you to heal after you have had them removed. What are the risks of having your wisdom teeth removed? After you have … cavities and gum disease in the back of your mouth is higher if you keep your wisdom teeth, because it's hard to … cavities and gum disease in the back of your mouth is higher if you keep your wisdom teeth, because it's hard to …