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… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … the back of your leg (sciatica) or in the front of your thigh. A spinal fracture caused by an injury. An infection in … the back of your leg (sciatica) or in the front of your thigh. A spinal fracture caused by an injury. An infection in …
Health topics
… breast milk. For most people, eating a small amount of fish high in mercury isn't a health concern. Fish are part of a … for you and your child to eat. If you eat a lot of fish high in mercury, it may take up to a year for your mercury … coastal areas. Environmental Illness Pregnancy Citations Health Canada (2008, updated …
Health topics
… problems, most commonly in children. It can also cause high blood pressure, brain damage, and stomach and kidney … weight) if you smoke. And your baby may have a greater risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Babies whose mothers are exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy have a higher risk for health problems. …
Health topics
… is too little fluid around your baby in the uterus during pregnancy. Having a low amount of this fluid can affect how … But causes may include: A health problem you have, such as high blood pressure. A problem with the placenta. This is a … But causes may include: A health problem you have, such as high blood pressure. A problem with the placenta. This is a …
Health topics
… Tools Is VBAC Right for You? What Affects VBAC Success Risks of VBAC and Caesarean Deliveries Examinations and … uterus. This is important if you are planning on a future pregnancy. The more scars you have on your uterus, the … to have a C-section, your risk of infection is slightly higher than if you just had a C-section. Health Tools Health …
Health topics
… can it cause? Atherosclerosis can cause or increase the risk of other health problems. These include: Coronary … of an artery is damaged. It might be damaged by things like high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, or smoking. Cholesterol in the blood …
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… PCOS seems to run in families. Your chance of having it is higher if others in your family have PCOS or have diabetes. … month. Repeat miscarriages. Gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Increased blood pressure during pregnancy or … effectiveness. Before trying one, ask your doctor about risks of infection and scarring. Learn more Quitting Smoking …
Health topics
… prevent a small number of deaths from prostate cancer. A high PSA level can have many causes, including an enlarged … prostate, an infection, or, less often, prostate cancer. A high PSA can cause a lot of worry and lead to more tests. … live any longer than if you had no screening. What are the risks of having a PSA test? False-positive results Often the …
Health topics
… your baby's body. What can you do if you used drugs during pregnancy? If you used drugs or took prescription medicines … Drugs may affect many parts of your life, including your pregnancy. But getting support can help you address these … your baby's body. What can you do if you used drugs during pregnancy? If you used drugs or took prescription medicines …
Health topics
… Information Overview When you have diabetes, you are at risk for getting other health problems, called … This is especially true if your blood sugar levels stay high. Over time, high blood sugar can damage many parts of your body . It can …