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Health topics
… Some people need regular blood transfusions to lower the risk of stroke and to treat anemia and other problems. … with them during school, play, and outings. Eat healthy foods. Healthy eating helps keep your body's immune system … and fluids during air travel or when you're at altitudes higher than 1500 m (5000 ft), such as in the mountains. …
Health topics
… such as abuse, neglect, or the death of a parent. The risk is higher when people who had childhood trauma also have … habits, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol and …
Health topics
… (digestive) anthrax. This can occur when you eat food contaminated with anthrax spores. This has occurred in … about any work or other activities that may have put you at risk for exposure. If the doctor suspects you may have been … used to protect only the small number of people who are at higher risk for exposure, such as members of the Canadian …
Health topics
… When blood pressure is a little high, it may increase the risk of health problems later in life. If blood pressure is … treat it with a healthy lifestyle, like eating healthy foods and being active. If the blood pressure is higher and if a healthy lifestyle doesn't help lower it …
Health topics
… another glucagon shot. Give glucose tablets or quick-sugar food. slide 6 of 6 < Prev      Next > slide 6 of 6, Give glucose tablets or quick-sugar food., Give some glucose tablets or quick-sugar food such as … injected into a blood vessel. Other causes include an illness other than diabetes, liver damage, and kidney …
Health topics
… can cause harm or even death. footnote 1 What increases the risk of ASD? ASD tends to run in families, so experts think … called risk factors. The risk of having a baby with ASD is higher if either birth parent: Is at an older age. Has … such as diarrhea, constipation, or belly pain. Have strong food likes and dislikes. Eat things that aren't food. These …
Health topics
… Key points to remember If there is a good chance that your illness can be cured or managed, your doctor may advise you … A feeding tube or an intravenous (IV) line to provide food and fluids if you can't eat or drink. Cardiopulmonary … is usually involved? What are the benefits? What are the risks and side effects? Stop treatment to prolong your life …
Health topics
… with a family history of a lazy or crossed eye are at a higher risk of having an eye problem. Early treatment of turned eye …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … things that they used to. These may be a sign of pain or an illness. Shows signs of mental health issues, such as … and health problems that people with Down syndrome have a higher chance of getting. Doctors look for specific problems …
Health topics
… Basics What is campylobacteriosis? Campylobacteriosis is foodborne illness caused by the campylobacter bacterium. … . Do not eat undercooked hamburger. And be aware of the risk of foodborne illness from raw fish (including sushi), …