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2168 results found
Health topics
… emotional development. It is also evidence of your child's healthy attachment to you. Set a routine before you leave. … separations. Try to schedule departures after naps and eating. Also, try to stay with your baby as much as possible … emotional development. It is also evidence of your child's healthy attachment to you. Set a routine before you leave. …
Health topics
… about PTSD. This can help you better understand how and why it affects you. You may also learn about healthy ways to manage PTSD. Learn about substance use … about PTSD. This can help you better understand how and why it affects you. You may also learn about healthy ways to …
Health topics
… amputation level depends on a number of factors, including why the amputation is needed, the general health of the … amputation is to remove all dead and dying tissue while creating the most useful limb for recovery and rehab. It is … on a below-the-knee prosthesis, although young, relatively healthy people manage much better than older, more frail …
Health topics
… This includes helping your child get regular exercise, eat healthy foods, and have a regular sleep schedule. Hospital … in your child as they start to occur. Catching and treating these mood changes early may help reduce the length … such as taking a walk or swimming. Be sure your child eats healthy foods. Try to avoid beverages that contain caffeine, …
Health topics
… who have depression may have a hard time being active or eating a balanced diet. They may also have unhealthy habits, like smoking. Some chronic diseases change … relaxing your mind and your body. Get enough rest. Practice healthy thinking, and stop negative thoughts. Choose helpful …
Health topics
… What causes it? Metabolic syndrome is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle that includes eating too many calories, being inactive, and gaining … blood sugar. Coronary Artery Disease Healthy Eating for Children High Blood Pressure High …
Health topics
… Fatigue and Sleep Heart Health and Stroke Hepatitis HIV Infectious Diseases Joints and Spinal Conditions Kidneys …
Health topics
… This can be caused by many things, such as infection with HIV or the use of medicines to prevent organ rejection. Are … This can be caused by many things, such as infection with HIV or the use of medicines to prevent organ rejection. Are …
Health topics
… that you have to get up often to urinate during the night. Healthy habits Go to bed at a regular bedtime every night. … that you have to get up often to urinate during the night. Healthy habits Go to bed at a regular bedtime every night. …
Health topics
… If you feel like this most of the time, tell your doctor. Treating these symptoms may help you feel better and make it … Stay positive Adopting a "good-health attitude" and healthy habits, such as eating a balanced diet, staying at a healthy weight, and getting enough sleep, will make you feel …