2400 results found
Health topics
… animal dander for allergy shots. You must first have skin testing to find out which allergen you are allergic to. Your … body reactions, such as hives , asthma symptoms, and low blood pressure , are not common. Because of the possibility … body reactions, such as hives , asthma symptoms, and low blood pressure , are not common. Because of the possibility …
Health topics
… had lymph nodes removed from under your arm: Don't have blood drawn from the arm on the side of the lymph node surgery. Don't allow a blood pressure cuff to be placed on that arm. If you're in … circulate, which can reduce swelling. But it also increases blood flow to the muscles being used. This can increase the …
Health topics
… in the brain that could be related to epilepsy. These tests may be done immediately if the person who has had the … the person's age can also help determine whether an imaging test is needed and how soon it is needed. When deciding to … in the brain that could be related to epilepsy. These tests may be done immediately if the person who has had the …
Health topics
… health problems. She also scheduled Joe for a cholesterol test. Joe, a real estate broker, was surprised when the doctor called to tell him about the test results. His cholesterol was too high. "My first … health problems. She also scheduled Joe for a cholesterol test. Joe, a real estate broker, was surprised when the …
Health topics
… very long and is not easily detected with drug screening tests (toxicology tests). Flunitrazepam Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) is a central … very long and is not easily detected with drug screening tests (toxicology tests). Flunitrazepam Flunitrazepam …
Health topics
… alone. In some cases, your doctor may order an imaging test, such as an ultrasound . Based on the results of the imaging test, your doctor may want to remove it to make sure the … alone. In some cases, your doctor may order an imaging test, such as an ultrasound . Based on the results of the …
Health topics
… a stable heart rhythm. You might take a medicine (called a blood thinner) that prevents blood clots before and after the procedure. This medicine … procedure to stop a fast heart rate that is causing low blood pressure or severe symptoms. These heart rate problems …
Health topics
… ARBs. Why are ARBs used? ARBs are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. For example, they may be used if you have: Coronary artery disease. Heart failure. High blood pressure. Kidney problems. ARBs are safe and effective … and live longer. They can help prevent many heart and blood vessel problems. What about side effects? Side effects …
Health topics
… to the shoulder. The collarbone also protects nerves and blood vessels from the neck to the shoulder. What causes a … collarbone can injure a lung or rib or pinch nerves or blood vessels. This may cause the arm to turn pale, tingle, … will check: The affected area and look for a lump or bump. Blood flow, by taking your pulse and checking your skin …
Health topics
… of the coronary artery to open the artery and improve blood flow. Drug-eluting stents are used more often than … with your doctor about whether you can and want to take blood-thinning medicines for at least 1 year. How stents are … Because the stent is like woven mesh , the cells lining the blood vessel grow through and around the stent to help …