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… complications that affect the brain ( meningitis ), the testicles ( orchitis ), the ovaries ( oophoritis ), or the … and a history of exposure to the virus. If needed, a blood test can be done to confirm that you have mumps and … most cases, people recover from mumps with rest and care at home. In complicated cases, a hospital stay may be required. …
Health topics
… by atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and high blood pressure, traumatic injury to the chest, such as being … of the following may cause aortic dissection: High blood pressure. Most patients with an aortic dissection have … mimic many other conditions, you may need several tests. Tests If you have an aortic dissection, you may need: …
Health topics
… A leg aneurysm (say "ANN-yuh-riz-um") is a bulge in a blood vessel (artery) in your leg. The bulge occurs in a … weak spot in the artery. It can happen in one or both legs. Blood clots can form in this type of aneurysm and can block … foot. How is it diagnosed? An aneurysm may be found during tests for another, usually unrelated, condition. You may …
Health topics
… What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care CPAP and Other Devices … can be very tired during the day. The oxygen levels in your blood may go down, and carbon dioxide levels go up. It may … blood during sleep. A sleep study may take place in your home. Or it might take place at a sleep centre, where you …
Health topics
… Your Risk Prevention When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Getting Support Medicines … This means charting your basal body temperature and using home tests to let you know when you are likely to ovulate … fertility awareness . Chart basal body temperature and use home tests to learn when you are likely to ovulate and be …
Health topics
… Then the incisions are closed with stitches. You may go home the same day as your surgery. Or you may stay in the … a few hours after surgery, you will be asked to urinate to test how your bladder and urethra respond to the surgery. If … while. Depending on the surgery, you may be released to go home the same day. Some people have to stay in the hospital …
Health topics
… disease? Having anemia means you don't have enough red blood cells . Your body needs these cells to carry oxygen … a long-term disease keeps your body from making enough red blood cells. This is called anemia of chronic disease, or … to focus and think clearly. How is it diagnosed? A blood test , sometimes done as part of a routine examination, …
Health topics
… your whole body. It can cause serious heart, bone, lung, blood, and brain problems. What causes it? Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes. Other things that … How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do regular blood tests to check on how you're doing. The tests help your …
Health topics
… Dialysis removes urea and other waste products from the blood. To find out how well dialysis is working, you will have blood tests that look at the level of urea in your blood. Usually …
Health topics
… ovarian insufficiency. You will also have a pregnancy test and blood tests. To check for possible ovarian insufficiency, your blood level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) will be …