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… home the same day as your surgery, or you may remain in the hospital overnight. You may need to have a thin, flexible … a relatively simple procedure that can be done with minimal hospitalization and recovery time. How Well It Works … success rates are not known. footnote 1 Surgery time, hospital stay, and recovery time are all shorter for women …
Health topics
… on the same day. Or you may stay one or more nights in the hospital after surgery. You may return to work or your … by Graves' disease . What To Expect Many people leave the hospital a day or two after surgery. How much time you spend in the hospital and how fast you recover depend on your age and …
Health topics
… catheter is put in the blood vessel. You may stay in the hospital for up to a few days. What To Expect While you are in the hospital, your doctors and nurses will monitor you to check … new valve is working. You will receive information from the hospital about diet, activities, and medicine. You will need …
Health topics
… private, apartment-style housing. In residential care, rooms may be private or shared. Residential care provides a … To get started, work with your doctor, social worker, hospital discharge planner, or geriatric care manager to … To get started, work with your doctor, social worker, hospital discharge planner, or geriatric care manager to …
Health topics
… people, like older adults and babies, may need to go to the hospital. What causes it? Germs called bacteria or viruses … are bad or you have a weak immune system , you may need hospital care. If pneumonia is caused by a virus, … to have complications of pneumonia and need to go to the hospital if you: Are older than 65. Have some other illness …
Health topics
… bad. This can be dangerous, and you may have to go to the hospital. Symptoms of a flare-up include: Coughing more than … office or clinic. Or you may need to be treated in the hospital. Treatments include: Quick-relief inhaled … bad. This can be dangerous, and you may have to go to the hospital. Symptoms of a flare-up include: Coughing more than …
Health topics
… inpatient hospice palliative care unit In a facility (hospital or nursing home) where you are already a patient … are provided? One or more doctors who can make home, hospital, or nursing home visits Spiritual or religious … inpatient hospice palliative care unit In a facility (hospital or nursing home) where you are already a patient …
Health topics
… surgery? Where will surgery be done? Outpatient location: Hospital: How is the surgery done (laparoscopy or open … this procedure? Has the procedure been done often in this hospital or surgery centre? Yes ___ No___ What complications … surgery? Where will surgery be done? Outpatient location: Hospital: How is the surgery done (laparoscopy or open …
Health topics
… care unit (NICU). This may be scary for you. But the hospital staff understands this. They will explain what … treated? While your baby is treated for dehydration in the hospital, your baby will get fluids. Your baby may drink … care unit (NICU). This may be scary for you. But the hospital staff understands this. They will explain what …
Health topics
… urine test. An X-ray . If your child is getting a test in a hospital, you may be able to ask for help from a child life … urine test. An X-ray . If your child is getting a test in a hospital, you may be able to ask for help from a child life …