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952 results found
Health topics
… did the doctor get his or her education and training? Which hospitals does the doctor work with? Who fills in for the … did the doctor get his or her education and training? Which hospitals does the doctor work with? Who fills in for the …
Health topics
… for you or may recommend trustworthy websites. And many hospitals have medical libraries that are open to the … for you or may recommend trustworthy websites. And many hospitals have medical libraries that are open to the …
Health topics
… for you or may recommend trustworthy websites. And many hospitals have medical libraries that are open to the … for you or may recommend trustworthy websites. And many hospitals have medical libraries that are open to the …
Health topics
… for you or may recommend trustworthy websites. And many hospitals have medical libraries that are open to the … for you or may recommend trustworthy websites. And many hospitals have medical libraries that are open to the …
Health topics
… your midwife, or the labour and delivery unit of your local hospital if: You have had regular contractions for an hour. … during the hour, call your doctor or midwife, or go to the hospital. Do what you can to reduce stress. Although stress … your midwife, or the labour and delivery unit of your local hospital if: You have had regular contractions for an hour. …
Health topics
… if there is a problem so you can work with a doctor and hospital to care for your baby after birth. Or you may want … with a certain birth defect. You would want to plan what hospital and doctors to work with to make sure that all of … if there is a problem so you can work with a doctor and hospital to care for your baby after birth. Or you may want …
Health topics
… (CPR). Classes usually are offered through your local hospital or fire department. Read and learn about child … their children for playtime and visiting. Contact a local hospital or religious group, or ask your doctor for … A licensed mental health counsellor. Your local hospital. Parenting organizations. Call 9-1-1 right away if …
Health topics
… treated? Most attacks of pancreatitis need treatment in the hospital. Your doctor will give you pain medicine and fluids … a week after treatment begins. Treatment takes place in the hospital with pain medicines and intravenous (IV) fluids. … For acute pancreatitis. You will receive treatment in the hospital to allow the pancreas to heal. You will receive …