699 results found
Health topics
… skills. As your toddler becomes more mobile and curious, safety issues become very important. At about 18 months of … are and what they're doing so that you can warn them about safety hazards. Take steps to childproof your home. For example, use safety-approved gates and keep potential hazards stored out …
Health topics
… brisk walking, dancing, bike-riding, swimming laps of a pool, jogging, and helping with inside and outside chores. … in the backyard, at the local park, walking track or local pool? What local options are low cost or free to use? Who …
Health topics
… an air conditioner, keep your home somewhat cool, and avoid hot swimming pools and hot tubs. During warm or hot weather, exercise in an …
Health topics
… be instructed to take daily sitz baths (sit in a shallow tub of warm water for 10 to 15 minutes) and to gently … be instructed to take daily sitz baths (sit in a shallow tub of warm water for 10 to 15 minutes) and to gently …
Health topics
… heartbeat isn't strong and steady, blood can collect, or pool, in the atria. And pooled blood is more likely to form … ablation. This procedure, which is done with a thin tube called a catheter, destroys tiny areas in the heart … ablation. This procedure, which is done with a thin tube called a catheter, destroys tiny areas in the heart …
Health topics
… fluoride can be toxic. And it can stain a child's teeth. Safety Fluoride is safe in the amounts provided in water … fluoride can be toxic. And it can stain a child's teeth. Safety Fluoride is safe in the amounts provided in water …
Health topics
… Citations Epstein AE, et al. (1996). Personal and public safety issues related to arrhythmias that may affect … Epstein AE, et al. (2007). Addendum to Personal and public safety issues related to arrhythmias that may affect … American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. Public safety issues in patients with implantable defibrillators. A …
Health topics
… salt water. But you can't get swimmer's itch from swimming pools that are treated with chlorine. The tiny parasites … salt water. But you can't get swimmer's itch from swimming pools that are treated with chlorine. The tiny parasites …
Health topics
… things that might increase swelling. These things include hot showers, hot tubs, hot packs, and drinks that contain alcohol. Apply … Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children More self-care Child Safety: Preventing Falls Exercises for Arm and Wrist …
Health topics
… things that might increase swelling. These things include hot showers, hot tubs, hot packs, and drinks that contain alcohol. Apply … Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children More self-care Child Safety: Preventing Falls Preventing Children's Injuries From …