3909 results found
Health topics
… of your surroundings, your emotions, your thoughts, and how your body feels. For example, you may sit quietly and … emotions. You might focus only on the sounds around you or how your food tastes and smells. When you are mindful, you … MSBR. When you go outside, take a few deep breaths. How does the air feel? Warm or cold? Try to accept that …
Health topics
… alphabet, numbers, days of the week, colours, shapes, and how to spell and write their name. Make consistent reading … too close to others when talking or may talk out of turn. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor or a school professional … skills, and intelligence quotient (IQ) may also be tested. How is a learning disability treated? A learning disability …
Health topics
… harder to move your knee. You may notice some bruising. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will examine you and ask questions about your past health. You'll be asked how you injured your knee and about your symptoms at the … You may have some tests, including an X-ray and an MRI . How is an MCL injury treated? Your treatment will depend on …
Health topics
… about the meaning of life, suffering, and death. Relate to how you think of the ultimate meaning and value of your … many people, spirituality is connected to a higher power. How does spiritual wellness relate to health? There is some … day. You can become more aware of what's important to you. How do you already take care of your spirit? What brings …
Health topics
… are like those used in acupuncture . Experts don't agree on how well EFT works. And it shouldn't replace going to see a … professional for serious issues like depression and trauma. How to do EFT You can do EFT, or tapping, whenever you feel … be something you're feeling anxious or sad about. Measure how your issue makes you feel. Rate how bad you feel on a …
Health topics
… on your own. A counsellor or therapist can also help you. How to build resilience Here are some tips for building … View change as a challenge rather than a threat. Examine how and why you feel the way you do when things change. … work out. You can't change what happens, but you can change how you feel about it. See the big picture. Difficult …
Health topics
… one or more of these sutures close too soon. How the problem affects your baby depends in part on how many of the sutures close too soon: If only one suture … can make the baby develop more slowly than other children. How is it diagnosed? You or your doctor may notice that your …
Health topics
… in children and teens? Blood pressure is a measure of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of the arteries … over 57." The first number is the systolic pressure. It shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping. The …
Health topics
… the cause of these irregularities. But current research shows they may be inherited. What are the symptoms? Children … when touched. Refuse to eat certain foods because of how the foods feel when chewed. Be oversensitive to odours. … manner over and over or prefer only to watch TV or videos. How is it diagnosed? Experts recommend that children who …
Health topics
… to do, and they agree clearly, without being pressured. How can you teach older children and teens about consent? As … about consent early can help make sure they understand how to set their own boundaries. And it helps them know how … look like. And that can help them avoid unhealthy or unsafe situations in the future. Current as of: …