3909 results found
Health topics
… the genitals, in the urethra, or in the rectum or anus. How are they diagnosed? A doctor checks for genital warts by … doctor takes a sample of tissue from a wart for testing. How are genital warts treated? There are ways to treat … decide to treat them because of the symptoms or because of how the warts look. But if you don't have symptoms and are …
Health topics
… your family has the symptoms listed above, see your doctor. How is ringworm of the scalp or beard diagnosed? Your doctor may be able to diagnose ringworm just by how the rash looks. To check for the ringworm fungus, your … to find out what kind of germ is causing the problem. How is it treated? Your doctor will prescribe pills that …
Health topics
… rate, a cough, and trouble breathing when you lie down. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … You may have a chest X-ray and an ultrasound of your heart. How is peripartum cardiomyopathy treated? Treatment focuses … why. Less access to good health care and differences in how patients are listened to and treated are part of it. …
Health topics
… causes it? The shape of a newborn's head may be affected by how the baby was positioned in the uterus. It can also be … exercises. They may help your baby turn his or her head. How is it diagnosed? Doctors can diagnose flat head syndrome … some other condition that affects the shape of the head. How is flat head syndrome treated? Your doctor may recommend …
Health topics
… of thick, fibrous tissue and milk glands. You can't tell how dense your breasts are by looking in the mirror or … them. The mammogram report sent to your doctor tells how dense your breasts are. It's written by the radiologist who reads your mammogram. You can learn how dense your breasts are from your mammogram report. There …
Health topics
… than the rest of your skin. The dark colour may stay. How is a keloid treated? There is no sure cure for keloids, but treatment sometimes improves how they look and feel. It is common for keloids to grow … of treatment. Based on a keloid's size and location, and how soon it is treated, your doctor may: Freeze it. This is …
Health topics
… a lot is the main symptom of von Willebrand disease. How severe the bleeding is will be different for each … causes stiffness, pain, and swelling. This symptom is rare. How is it diagnosed? Von Willebrand disease can be hard to … dental procedure, or surgery. Your doctor will ask you how often and how much you bleed. If your doctor thinks you …
Health topics
… damages a heart valve, it can cause scarring and can affect how well the valve works. The valve may not be able to close … can get in the way of normal blood flow and cause a murmur. How is it diagnosed? Most heart murmurs are found during … hears a murmur, they can often tell if it's innocent by how loud the noise is, what part of the heart it's coming …
Health topics
… things include a child's nature or innate abilities, and how he or she is nurtured—the child's experience with … healthy self-esteem in your child: Help your child learn how to make and keep friends. Healthy friendships are … children in this age group are increasingly sensitive about how their friends feel about them. Teach your children the …
Health topics
… Overview During pregnancy, lots of women wonder about how their body will change and how much weight they will gain. Maybe this is something that … doctor knows. Get help with nausea and vomiting, if needed. How much weight gain is good for you and your baby? Ideally, …