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3909 results found
Health topics
… take the medicine. Without emergency care, you could die. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will diagnose a drug … small doses of a medicine to see if you have a reaction. How is a drug allergy treated? If you have severe drug … an epinephrine auto-injector. Your doctor will teach you how to use it. If you have a serious allergic reaction, and …
Health topics
… rest and they're not using much energy or feeling stressed. How is it diagnosed? A doctor will do a physical examination … is causing your symptoms. An electrocardiogram can help show whether you have angina or have had a heart attack. This … when it's damaged. You may have imaging tests that show how well your heart is working and how well blood is …
Health topics
… that a woman is born with. This may be a problem with how the cervix or uterus is shaped. Or it may be from … sometimes start days or weeks before the cervix dilates. How is it diagnosed? You have cervical insufficiency when … your risk for having it again is higher than average. How is cervical insufficiency treated? If your cervix is …
Health topics
… . Be sleepier than normal and very fussy when awake. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical … may need blood tests to see if he or she is dehydrated. How is pyloric stenosis treated? Pyloric stenosis is treated … when you take your baby home. Talk with the doctor about how to feed your baby and what to expect. It's normal to …
Health topics
… bleeding. Bright red tissue that sticks out of the anus. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … include checking the rectum for loose tissue and checking how strongly the anal sphincter contracts. You may need … (ulcers), or abnormal narrow areas in the large intestine. How is rectal prolapse treated? If a rectal prolapse doesn't …
Health topics
… about having a pacemaker, it may help if you learn about how the pacemaker helps your heart. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns. How is it put in place? You will get medicine before the … injected a dye into your blood vessel and heart. The dye shows up on a screen. It helps your doctor see where to move …
Health topics
… than in men. Most often in people with chronic diseases. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may suspect frozen shoulder … from another condition such as arthritis or a broken bone. How is frozen shoulder treated? Treatment for frozen … tissue. These surgeries can both be done at the same time. How can you prevent it? Gentle, progressive range-of-motion …
Health topics
… others. Or scents may smell different than they used to. How can it affect your life? The sense of smell is closely … such as a stroke, Alzheimer's disease, or a tumour. How is it diagnosed? A doctor diagnoses lack of the sense of … An MRI or a CT scan to look for problems in your brain. How is anosmia treated? Treatment depends on whether the …
Health topics
… nipples or nipples that point in (inverted) instead of out. How do you know if you are using nipple shields the right … baby is latching on and feeding properly. Advise you on how long to use nipple shields. Offer tips on how to wean your baby from the shields when the time comes. …
Health topics
… breath (dyspnea). This may be mild to severe, depending on how much of the lung is collapsed. Sudden, severe, and sharp … flying in an airplane or going underground or underwater). How is it diagnosed? A pneumothorax usually is diagnosed … These tests will also help the doctor plan your treatment. How is a pneumothorax treated? Treatment can depend on the …