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3959 results found
Health topics
… quiet and introspective. You might be thinking about yourself and your baby and wondering if you can cope with … every three to five minutes and lasting 45-60 seconds. Show may become heavy, dark and bloody. Cervix continues to … or suck on ice chips. Pee frequently. Have a warm shower while sitting on a chair or leaning on your partner. …
Health topics
… support team partner's swimsuit, so they can get in the shower with you music player (with headphones) and some music … and comfortable). washable dressing gown (front opening for breastfeeding) two or three nightgowns or pairs of pyjamas (front-opening for breastfeeding) nursing bra and pads, if desired at least …
Health topics
… head comes down in pelvis. You have diarrhea. You have "show" (slightly pink, vaginal mucus). Your water (amniotic … as needed. Eat a light meal and drink fluids. Take a shower if someone is nearby to help you. If your water breaks … Your water breaks or leaks You have vaginal bleeding, or show (pink tinged vaginal mucus) Your water leaks or breaks …
Health topics
… press your body weight up off your seat and lower yourself down slowly) Take books back to the library Go pick up …
Health topics
… controlled trials and systematic reviews consistently show that PA and more structured exercise are safe, important …
Health topics
… skills Become aware of parents as separate people from herself. Baby may point when asked, "Who’s Mommy? Who’s Daddy?" … Play music and encourage dancing and movement Continue to breastfeed Exploring through play Playing is one of the most … you, as you walk into another room. You will find yourself talking to your baby more and more as you begin to hear …
Health topics
… of the BC HealthGuide Handbook available. Please indicate how many individual BC HealthGuide Handbooks in French you …