3921 results found
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… include problems with blood flow through the heart and how well the heart pumps blood. If pieces of a tumour break … the blood to the body and cause problems, such as a stroke. How are they treated? Treatment for a myxoma tumour in the … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Myxomas are tumours …
Health topics
… that won't go away. Pus coming from the gums. A change in how your teeth fit together when you bite. Loose teeth. If … right away. Early treatment can keep it from getting worse. How is it diagnosed? To find out if you have gum disease, … of your teeth to look for bone damage and other problems. How is gum disease treated? Early treatment of gum disease …
Health topics
… consider the following: Your child's age. Consider how old your child is. His or her bones may still have a lot … parts, the health of the tissues around the joint, and how likely it is that your child will be able to follow a … during the rehab process following a total hip replacement. How long will the joint replacement last? Depending on how …
Health topics
… can take a pregnancy test with accurate results depends on how far into your pregnancy you are. And it depends on which … tests detect low levels of hCG in your body. They may show a positive result early during pregnancy, when a home test shows a negative result. How pregnancy tests are done …
Health topics
… or become red and irritated when clothing rubs them. How the growths look can vary widely. They: Range in size … for warts , moles , skin tags , or melanoma (skin cancer) . How are seborrheic keratoses diagnosed? Your doctor will … bleeds. Becomes inflamed and red. Is dark brown to black. How are they treated? Seborrheic keratoses don't need to be …
Health topics
… your child is vomiting, has pain, or has a swollen belly. How is it diagnosed? Doctors usually can tell that a child has an umbilical hernia by how the belly looks. If your child has a hernia, your doctor … close. Be sure to bring your child in for these checkups. How is an umbilical hernia treated? Umbilical hernias …
Health topics
… centre of the visual field (central scotoma). Changes in how you see colour. Bright colours may look dull. Symptoms … days. Then they may not change for several weeks or months. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can find out if you have … This can help the doctor find the cause of the condition. How is optic neuritis treated? Because optic neuritis often …
Health topics
… symptoms may include: Wheezing and trouble breathing. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you may have … before a test is done or before you know the results. How is an enterovirus D68 infection treated? The main … oxygen, fluids through a vein (IV), and help breathing. How can you help prevent an infection? Wash your hands …
Health topics
… In severe cases, your heart may stop due to cardiac arrest. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose hyperkalemia, your doctor … (EKG) test to check for problems with your heart. How is hyperkalemia treated? If your hyperkalemia is caused … levels. You may get medicine to lower these levels. How can you prevent it? You may prevent hyperkalemia by …
Health topics
… or tumours of the pituitary gland can affect this process. How do thyroid hormones work? Thyroid hormones affect every … heartbeat. Can raise or lower your body temperature. Change how fast food moves through your digestive tract. Affect muscle strength. Control how quickly your body replaces dying cells. Thyroid hormones …