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Health topics
… positive relationships with people can make a difference in how resilient you are. Try to connect with people who have a … builds the social bonds that help make you resilient. How can you make more social connections? There are many … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview What are social …
Health topics
… be asked to sign a consent form to have the procedure. How it's done Collecting or harvesting stem cells from your … may need to be repeated the next day. It depends on how many stem cells are needed. If a bone marrow collection … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Healthy adults ages …
Health topics
… discomfort. Hot flashes. Loss of height. Weakened bones. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will examine you and ask … and past health. You will have a blood test. If it shows a low testosterone level, you will have another blood … testosterone, other tests may be done to find the cause. How is low testosterone treated? Treatment may depend on the …
Health topics
… want to take blood-thinning medicines for at least 1 year. How stents are placed in an artery A stent is placed in a … these medicines. You can work with your doctor to decide how long you will take both of these medicines. This … will give you a card for your wallet or purse that you can show to your health professionals so they know that you have …
Health topics
… short of breath. It may be hard to focus and think clearly. How is it diagnosed? A blood test , sometimes done as part … doctor will do other tests to figure out what's causing it. How is anemia treated? Sometimes all that's needed is a … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . Media gallery Red Blood Cells … …
Health topics
… hoarding disorder also suffer from depression or anxiety. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can check for hoarding … things, like stay clean, eat well, and get enough sleep. How is hoarding disorder treated? The two main types of … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … What is …
Health topics
… start until a few weeks after you stop taking antibiotics. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may think you have … of yellow and white tissue on the inside of the colon. How is it treated? If possible, your doctor will have you … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … What is …
Health topics
… symptoms depend on what areas of the brain are affected and how big the aneurysm is. If a brain aneurysm ruptures, … to light. Fainting or loss of consciousness. Seizures. How is it diagnosed? Because unruptured brain aneurysms … a dye is often used during MRA to make blood vessels show up more clearly. Cerebral angiogram. During this X-ray …
Health topics
… who has measles. This is called the incubation period. How is it diagnosed? If you think you have measles, call … test, a viral culture , or both to see if you have measles. How is measles (rubeola) treated? Measles usually gets … may need to get IG if they are exposed to measles. How is it prevented? Measles can be prevented by a vaccine. …
Health topics
… to look at something. Have an upper eyelid that droops. How is it diagnosed? Your child's doctor will do an eye examination. If the examination shows that your child has poor vision in one eye, the doctor … your child's doctor, or take your child to an eye doctor. How is amblyopia treated? For amblyopia to be treated, your …