3958 results found
Health topics
… obvious symptoms of a concussion, such as passing out or forgetting what happened right before the injury. But other … away, even if you don't see any symptoms of a concussion. How is it diagnosed? Any person who may have had a … to stay in the hospital to be watched. Others can go home safely. If you go home, follow your doctor's instructions. …
Health topics
… Health Agency of Canada: Mpox (monkeypox) . On this page: How it spreads Symptoms If you are exposed to mpox If you … Second stage The second stage usually starts 1 to 5 days after stage one. During this stage, you may develop a rash … or suspected mpox: Contact your health care provider to get tested as soon as possible. Let them know if you have …
Health topics
… Please call 8-1-1 if you have any questions about how we are contacting you or phishing concerns on these … your family’s healthful living. On this page: Register to get a family doctor or nurse practitioner How to register in other languages Who should register After you register I need help Register to get a family …
Health topics
… Caregiving: Using a Bedpan or Urinal On this page: Getting Started Getting Started How to help with a bedpan Start by gathering supplies. You … back onto the bedpan. If you can leave the person alone safely, leave the room to give privacy. Check on the person …
Health topics
… affects millions of older adults. It usually occurs after age 60. It's most common in women, but men can get it too. What causes it? Osteoporosis is caused by a lack … worse, symptoms include back pain and a curved upper back. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose osteoporosis, your doctor …
Health topics
… to your symptoms, know what is typical for you, learn how to control it, and know when to call for help. Symptoms … wait 5 minutes. If your symptoms don't improve or if they get worse, call 9-1-1 or other emergency services . Describe … can help you learn how to eat a balanced diet and exercise safely. It is common to feel worried and afraid after a …
Health topics
… you've always done and the things you would like to do. How do you get the best results from an ICD? Here are a few things you … redness, and pain. An unexplained fever. Drive and travel safely. After you get an ICD or after you get a shock from …
Health topics
… your doctor about them. Cataracts: Should I Have Surgery? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your … Not all cataracts need to be removed. It depends on how much they bother you. Many people get along very well … your usual daily activities. You may not be able to drive safely, especially at night. You may be more likely to fall …
Health topics
… a pacemaker, talk with your doctor about your concerns. How do you get the best results from a pacemaker? Here are a few things … to help your heart keep a steady rhythm. Drive and travel safely. You can drive if you have a pacemaker and you don't …
Health topics
… them. Obesity: Should I Use a Diet Plan to Lose Weight? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your … an unhealthy cycle of losing and gaining weight. Research shows that people who use a diet plan tend to lose more … first than people who try to lose weight on their own. But after they stop dieting, most people regain the weight they …