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Health topics
… your levels. It helps you see if your levels are in your target range. And it may help you avoid blood sugar … blood sugar over time can help you and your doctor know how well your treatment is working and whether you need to … Don't forget to put the lid back on the bottle right after removing the strip. Prick your finger. slide 8 of 11 < …
Health topics
… not been able to keep your blood sugar levels within a target range , you may need insulin shots. Taking insulin can … giving two types of insulin in the same syringe. Practice how to give your shot. Store the insulin properly so that … from the company that makes the pens. Clean up and storage After giving your shot: Store your insulin properly so that …
Health topics
… life. The spinning sensation it causes puts you at risk for falling and can also affect your quality of life if it … of activity. You can do exercises at home to help your body get used to the confusing signals that cause your vertigo. … Doing these exercises may help you cope with your vertigo. How to exercise for balance Exercises can help you improve …
Health topics
… Home and Work Area When You Have Arthritis On this page: Get started Get started The pain and … bars in your washroom to help you get in and out of the shower or tub. And put no-slip tape in the bathtub. All of … can't use these items all the time, learn to lift an object safely. Be sure to keep the object close to you as you lift …
Health topics
… doctor regularly and make any needed changes in treatment. How do I do postural drainage? There are several postural … a slapping sound, your hand is not cupped enough. You may safely clap over the ribs, but do not clap below the lower … muscles to produce vibrations throughout the chest area. To get the most out of this technique, ask your doctor or …
Health topics
… Important Decisions Where to Receive Care The Dying Process After Death Overview What … chemotherapy. You can have both types of treatment. You can get hospice palliative care to help keep you comfortable, … Also, share your advance care plan with your doctor. How do you talk with your loved ones about your end-of-life …
Health topics
… enjoy drinking alcohol, and most people usually do it safely. But it's okay to decide not to drink. If you choose … What are low-risk drinking levels? In general, limit how much you drink.  Canadian health experts recommend that … should never drink and drive and that they should never get in a car with a driver who has been drinking. Make a …
Health topics
… stenosis , or by a birth defect such as spina bifida . How is it diagnosed? A computed tomography scan (CT scan) … is. They help determine how likely it is that you could get back some feeling and movement. How is a spinal cord … go through a program that evaluates your ability to drive safely. Adapting your home Because you may have to use a …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment … (7 to 14 days) with little or no scarring. Within hours after treatment, a blister may form. If the blister breaks, … the wart may fall off. Multiple treatments may be needed to get rid of the wart. Why It Is Done Cryotherapy is usually …
Health topics
… of bronchiolitis include runny nose, cough, and fever. After a few days, your child may experience shortness of … are the worst in the first 5 days. Most children get better in 1 to 2 weeks. How is it diagnosed? A doctor may diagnose bronchiolitis …