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3958 results found
Health topics
… There is no right or wrong time to wean. It depends on how ready you and your baby are to start. Experts recommend … sessions. Tell your baby that you'll nurse later, such as after you finish preparing dinner. This will space out … baby. Make life so interesting and busy that your baby forgets to ask to breastfeed. Read a book to your baby while …
Health topics
… to aspirin. Have asthma that is made worse by aspirin. How do you take aspirin safely? Take aspirin with food. If aspirin upsets your … to take it. Aspirin can cause serious bleeding. Be sure you get instructions about how to take aspirin safely. How can …
Health topics
… that started before pregnancy. It usually doesn't go away after the baby is born. Gestational hypertension. This is … High blood pressure during pregnancy may keep the baby from getting enough nutrients and oxygen. This could limit the … your prenatal checkups and get your blood pressure checked. How is it diagnosed? High blood pressure is usually found …
Health topics
… Overview Toilet Readiness Common Concerns When To Call How to Prepare Your Child Getting Started Giving Support … having bowel movements at night, and having a dry diaper after a nap or for at least 2 hours at a time. Children must …
Health topics
… or joint problem. Preventing a foot or toe problem from getting worse. Preventing a toe joint problem from returning after corrective surgery. Before shopping for shoes for your … foot problem, ask your foot doctor for recommendations. How do I find the right shoes? For some people, the only …
Health topics
… progressive muscle relaxation for a few weeks will help you get better at this skill, and in time you will be able to … asleep, this method may also help with your sleep problems. How do you do progressive muscle relaxation? The procedure … from 5 to 1 to bring your focus back to the present. After you have learned how to tense and relax each muscle …
Health topics
… every day for at least 2 weeks, you might have depression. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you are … a combination of the two works best. Many people don't get help because they think that they'll get over the … Someone Who Is Depressed Depression: Taking Antidepressants Safely Stop Negative Thoughts: Getting Started Cause When …
Health topics
… give your baby breast milk if he or she can't breastfeed. How long can you store breast milk? Breast milk can be … (0 °F) ] for up to 6 months. How can you store breast milk safely? Here are tips for storing breast milk safely. Wash … milk. Don't use thawed (and then refrigerated) breast milk after 24 hours. Don't use a microwave for warming milk. …
Health topics
… about them. Rotator Cuff Problems: Should I Have Surgery? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your … physiotherapy. If you have symptoms that don't get better after 3 to 6 months, you may need surgery. You may want to … other health problems that may make surgery too dangerous. How does physiotherapy help treat rotator cuff disorders? …
Health topics
… Blood Transfusions: Should I Bank Blood Before Surgery? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your … or mismatched blood that are linked to blood transfusion. How likely are you to have a reaction to a blood … bank enough blood for your surgery. Most people are able to safely bank 2 to 4 units of blood before surgery. If you are …