3956 results found
Health topics
… and see changes. The plan also tells you when you need to get help. Your doctor may give you a plan, or you might … You have emergency symptoms, like severe trouble breathing. How do you use a daily action plan? Learning the zones Heart … heartbeat. If you have symptoms of a heart attack: After you call 9-1-1 , the operator may tell you to chew 1 …
Health topics
… makes too much thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone controls how your body uses energy, also called metabolism. When you … common treatment for hyperthyroidism. Most people are cured after taking one dose. It destroys part of your thyroid … antibodies that damage your thyroid gland. You can also get thyroiditis from a viral or bacterial infection. At …
Health topics
… Should I Take Them to Prevent a Heart Attack or Stroke? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your … active, staying at a healthy weight, and not smoking. FAQs How can you know your risk of heart attack and stroke? Your … calculate this risk. These tools are not perfect. They may show that your risk is higher or lower than it really is. But …
Health topics
… birth or by the use of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy. After a child is born, a head injury, poor nutrition, … alphabet, numbers, days of the week, colours, shapes, and how to spell and write their name. Make consistent reading … project until it is done. Help make time for your child to get daily play and exercise. Get help Teach and show your …
Health topics
… feel pain during the procedure. It also causes you to forget things from right before, during, and right after the procedure. It also affects many of your body's … Your body's functions will get support to keep you safe. How it's done Anesthesia medicine may be given through a …
Health topics
… during the day but can bite at night. You're more likely to get the virus if you travel to parts of the world where it's … ( www.cdc.gov/zika ). Your doctor or local health unit. How is it spread? Zika is most often spread through a bite … are usually mild. They most often start within a week after the bite. The main symptoms may include: Fever. Rash. …
Health topics
… your procedure. The specialist will make sure that you get the level of anesthesia you need to be comfortable. … use the term "MAC" to describe sedation that makes you fall completely asleep. Anesthesia … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview What is monitored …
Health topics
… shortness of breath; sudden, sharp chest pain that may get worse when you cough or take a deep breath; and a cough. … The cough may bring up blood or pink and foamy mucus. How is it diagnosed? Pulmonary embolism can be hard to … condition. Blood Thinners Other Than Warfarin: Taking Them Safely Warfarin: Taking Your Medicine Safely Cause Pulmonary …
Health topics
… outside of the ears. Sometimes fluid or negative pressure gets stuck in the middle ear. The pressure outside the ear … Or you may have hearing problems or feel a little dizzy. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … put a small tube in the eardrum . The tube usually will fall out over time. How can you prevent them? If you have …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview … this surgery, the doctor will cut out the swollen veins. After surgery, the pain and itching from your hemorrhoids … off from work. This depends on the type of work you do and how you feel. What To Expect Recovery takes about 2 to 3 …