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Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview … bleeding in the uterus. It's not recommended if you plan to get pregnant. Ablation works by destroying the lining of the … It usually takes less than an hour. You can go home after the procedure. What To Expect After the procedure, you …
Health topics
… Loud snoring can make it hard for you and your partner to get a good night's sleep. You may not know that you snore. … more the tissue vibrates, and the louder the snoring is. How is it treated? You may be able to treat snoring by … heavily. Snores and feels sleepy during the day. Snores and falls asleep at the wrong times, such as when talking or …
Health topics
… This infection is called otitis media. The area can get infected when germs from the nose and throat are trapped … They may have trouble sleeping. They may also have a fever. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about symptoms. … Age 12 and Older Handwashing Labyrinthitis Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children …
Health topics
… You may not be able to walk or put weight on your foot. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask how you hurt your … if: Your ankle looks different than normal. Your pain is getting worse. Your swelling is getting worse. You are … so, learn to use your crutches or your walker properly and safely. After the early swelling and pain decrease, rehab …
Health topics
… sudden urges to urinate during the day and night. You can get these urges even when you have only a little bit of … other problems too. Hurrying to the toilet can lead to falls and broken bones. Overactive bladder can also cause … treatment. Don't be afraid to talk with your doctor about how to control your overactive bladder. What causes it? …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Vein … also be done to prevent venous skin ulcers from coming back after treatment. You may be asleep during the surgery, but … can be done while you are awake. If you are awake, you will get medicine to numb your leg and prevent pain. The doctor …
Health topics
… immunity protects both you and your unborn baby (fetus). After you have been immunized (vaccinated) against or … lifetime or a limited period. Partial immunity strengthens how well your body can fight that infection. Before you … If you aren't immune, have the vaccination before you get pregnant. To allow time for your body to develop …
Health topics
… can in a caesarean delivery. During a caesarean, the mother gets either a regional anesthetic or a general anesthetic . … very strongly about being able to bond with the baby right after birth. Unless there is some complication, a mother can … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview You and your birth …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Scoliosis is a … the hip bone, or from bone banks. The grafts will grow together with the spinal bone, fusing it into the proper … of surgery. Most people spend several days in the hospital after surgery. They slowly increase their movement over …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview A chemical peel … 60 to 90 minutes. What To Expect The time it takes to heal after a chemical peel depends on what kind of peel was done … may only see small changes. You may need to repeat peels to get the results you want. A medium peel can work very well …