3956 results found
Health topics
… Immunizations help keep you and your child from getting a disease. They contain medicine that causes the … for more information about how vaccine safety is checked. The risk of problems from a … stay or even death. People with egg allergies can be safely immunized with the live and inactivated influenza …
Health topics
… that causes a fever, chills, and muscle pain. You can get it from a bite from an infected mosquito. Malaria is … times may have the disease but have few or no symptoms. How bad malaria symptoms are can vary depending on your age, … bites when you go to areas where malaria is common. After dark, stay indoors in a screened or air-conditioned …
Health topics
… reproduce under the skin, causing more bumps and itching. How does it spread? Scabies mites spread from person to … contact. They can easily spread between people who live together, sleep in the same bed, or have sex. Sometimes the … medicine. A second treatment may be needed one to two weeks after the first treatment. Most creams or lotions are …
Health topics
… to plan an exercise program. It can help you get back as much strength and flexibility in your shoulder as possible. How do you exercise for rotator cuff disorders? Before you … you feel during exercise should not last more than 2 hours after you finish. Clicking and popping during exercise don't …
Health topics
… be sure to follow those instructions. Some people may get a type of diabetes that only occurs during pregnancy ( … more serious for pregnant women. Yes Pregnancy No Pregnancy How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Transurethral … It's often removed before you go home. If not, you'll get instructions on how to care for the catheter. You may feel the need to urinate often for a while after the surgery. But this should improve with time. It may …
Health topics
… worse. This topic can give you some general ideas about how to follow the diet your doctor or dietitian recommends. … Your doctor or dietitian can tailor a diet for you based on how well your kidneys are working. It may be hard to change … you can stay healthy for as long as possible. You need to get enough calories to be healthy and have energy. If you …
Health topics
… side. This can help prevent choking and help them breathe. How can you help prevent an overdose? If you or someone … a fentanyl overdose if it's given soon enough. You can get a naloxone kit without a prescription at most drugstores … supervised consumption site. This is a place where you can safely use drugs in the presence of trained medical staff. …
Health topics
… problems. Most anal fissures heal with home treatment after a few days or weeks. These are called short-term … It may bleed from time to time but cause no other symptoms. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose an anal fissure … think you are having a problem with your medicine. You will get more details on the specific medicines your doctor …
Health topics
… your doctor whenever you have concerns about your health. How do you decide when to get a screening test? When and how often you get screening tests may depend on your age, …