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Health topics
… The female condom is a barrier method of birth control . How do you get female condoms? Female condom use doesn't … Condoms are sold in drugstores and family planning clinics. How well do female condoms work to prevent pregnancy? If … intercourse or by not following the directions for use. How well do they work to prevent sexually transmitted …
Health topics
… or proteins do. Carbohydrate counting involves learning how to spread out the amount of carbohydrate you eat … carbohydrate foods have on your blood sugar level. How to count carbohydrate Here are some ways to help you … a standard portion. Talk with a registered dietitian about how much protein and fat you need. Other suggestions Read …
Health topics
… Doing these exercises may help you cope with your vertigo. How to exercise for balance Exercises can help you improve … your progress for these exercises. Prepare a list that shows the date, the time you spent exercising, how often your eyes were open or closed, and how you felt …
Health topics
… before it becomes an emergency. It also helps you know how exercise and food affect your blood sugar. How to test your blood sugar Do the test Gather your … and lancet holder, test strips, and cotton balls. Learn how to use the equipment. slide 2 of 11 < Prev      Next > …
Health topics
… before it becomes an emergency. It also helps you know how exercise and food affect your child's blood sugar. And if your child takes insulin, it helps you know how much short-acting insulin to give. You can use a home … and anytime. Blood sugar meters give results quickly. How is blood sugar monitored? Get organized Here are some …
Health topics
… with smart food shopping. Here you will find pointers on how to make the most of your trip to the grocery store. … shop, decide on the meals and snacks you want. Think about how much time you have to prepare your meals, and then … as meat, produce, and dairy. As you shop, pay attention to how much you buy from the outer aisles compared to the inner …
Health topics
… in managing diabetes. When you and your child know how much carbohydrate is in food, you can spread it … and your child understand and use carbohydrate counting. How do you count carbohydrates? Here are some ways to help … to include in your child's meals and snacks. You can show the number of servings of each food group for each meal …
Health topics
… sugar levels for a few weeks. This helps teach your body how to react to low blood sugar again with warning signs … blood sugar levels on your own. Talk to your doctor first. How to stay safe when you have hypoglycemic unawareness If … candy when you're away from home. Teach friends and family how to treat low blood sugar. This is important for times …
Health topics
… some decongestants. Starts puberty. Hormonal changes affect how well the body uses insulin. These changes can cause … phenomenon. Talk with your child's doctor if this happens. How can you prevent high blood sugar? High blood sugar … blood sugar levels. Write down your child's symptoms and how you treated them. Take the record with you when you see …
Health topics
… then make some simple lifestyle changes, you may improve how well you sleep. This topic will give you some tips on how to do just that. Lots of things affect how well you sleep. You can use a sleep journal to help you …