3902 results found
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… renal disease affects your whole body. It can cause serious heart, bone, lung, blood, and brain problems. What causes … between the lungs and the chest wall (pleural effusion). How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do regular blood tests to check on how you're doing. The tests help your doctor know if you …
Health topics
… the flow of blood from the veins of the legs back to the heart. The veins of the legs might not work as they should. … problems like itching, sores, or changes in skin colour. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose venous … a type of ultrasound test (duplex Doppler) to find out how well blood is flowing in your legs. How is venous …
Health topics
… as kidney or liver disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart failure, or obesity. You are already very ill and are … causing the kidney injury may be causing other symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Acute kidney injury is most often … of your kidney problem. Blood and urine tests can check how well your kidneys are working. A chemistry screen can …
Health topics
… also travel to the brain from another location, like the heart. What are the symptoms? A TIA can cause many different … fainting, seizure, and trouble walking or balancing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor asks you about your medical … Other tests are often done to find the cause of the TIA. How is a TIA treated? Treatment for TIA is focused on …
Health topics
… is genetic, you may see fatty bumps under your skin. How is this problem diagnosed? A blood test is used to … 5.6 mmol/L. Very high when they are 5.6 mmol/L or higher. How are high triglycerides treated? A healthy lifestyle can … health problems. Statins: Should I Take Them to Prevent a Heart Attack or Stroke? Actionsets are designed to help …
Health topics
… Heartburn On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms … problems. Treatment The treatment of heartburn depends on how bad your heartburn is and what other symptoms you have. … acid reflux, or sour stomach. Yes Heartburn No Heartburn How old are you? 3 years or younger 3 years or younger 4 to …
Health topics
… "plak") in artery walls. This can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. What causes it? Doctors can't … found during a blood test that measures cholesterol levels. How is it diagnosed? High cholesterol is diagnosed with a … blood test is the only way to know your cholesterol levels. How is high cholesterol treated? The two types of treatment …
Health topics
… more difficult, though not impossible, to become pregnant. How is it diagnosed? If your periods become irregular or … a doctor because they are having trouble getting pregnant. How is primary ovarian insufficiency treated? Treatment for … your risk of bone thinning and fractures (osteoporosis) and heart disease. A balanced and low-fat diet, regular …
Health topics
… can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Most of those who have PCOS grow many small … PCOS may be more noticeable after a weight gain. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose PCOS, the doctor will ask … also have an ultrasound to look for cysts on your ovaries. How is PCOS treated? Regular exercise, healthy foods, and …
Health topics
… kidneys. It can damage your blood vessels. This can lead to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. You could also have … system may become weak and less able to fight infections. How do you prevent type 2 diabetes? The main way to prevent … shows that: For many people, making major lifestyle changes works better than taking metformin to help delay or prevent …