3912 results found
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… food from the mouth to the stomach. In adults, reflux is often called heartburn or acid reflux. This can also cause … cause pneumonia or wheezing , and it may hurt to swallow. How is it diagnosed? To find out if a child has … a prescription. But they are not usually recommended for long-term use. Be careful when you give your child …
Health topics
… Cancer On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment … who choose breast-conserving surgery such as lumpectomy. How long the treatment takes Radiation therapy for early-stage …
Health topics
… there isn't a clear reason for restless legs. The problem often runs in families. Sometimes there is a clear cause, … it often happens to people who have restless legs syndrome. How is restless legs syndrome diagnosed? One of the hardest … down to sleep or to relax or when you have not moved for long periods, such as when travelling in a car or airplane. …
Health topics
… Breastfeeding: Planning Ahead Actionset Overview The foundation … can overcome these challenges and continue breastfeeding. How to plan ahead Breastfeeding is a learned skill that … easier over time. You are more likely to succeed with long-term breastfeeding if you plan ahead, learn the basic …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview A … bandages or stockings. Your doctor will tell you how long to wear them. To follow up, your doctor will use duplex … risk you are likely to have. Talk to your doctor about how often these side effects happen in your doctor's practice. …
Health topics
… the nerves after you've had a viral or bacterial infection. Often it is after an infection of the lungs or stomach and … away if you think you might have Guillain-Barré syndrome. How is Guillain-Barré syndrome diagnosed? Your doctor will … get sick. You may need to stay in the hospital for weeks or longer, until your symptoms have improved. Sometimes this …
Health topics
… it is done gradually over several weeks, months, or even longer. There is no right or wrong time to wean. It depends on how ready you and your baby are to start. Experts recommend … depend on your preferences, why you plan to wean, and how often your baby breastfeeds. Gradual weaning One way to let …
Health topics
… be more active—you will be able to do more activities for longer amounts of time. Reduce shortness of breath. Upper … Exercises for COPD can be done nearly anywhere. They are often done as part of a pulmonary rehabilitation program. How do you exercise for COPD? Exercises for COPD are simple …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview … based on where the tear is, the pattern of the tear, and how big it is. In some cases, the surgeon makes the final … and extent of the surgery and your success in rehab. How long recovery can take Surgery to repair a torn meniscus …
Health topics
… antidepressants are more bothersome than serious. They can often be managed. Or your doctor may be able to prescribe a … taking your medicine, talk with your doctor first about how to do it safely. You may need to stop slowly over time. … doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine. How long will you need to take medicine for depression? Taking …